How To Make Money With Amazon Associate Program: Super Tips!

This post may contain affiliate links for more info visit my disclosure page.

How To Make Money With Amazon Associate Program: Super Tips!The Amazon associate program is one of the most profitable means of making money out of your blog.

If you have a heart for marketing products and contents, this particular monetization scheme is right for you.

You see, knowing how to make money with Amazon Associate program can yield your site with multiple benefits. The potential income that you can get from it is already a compelling reason why you should try it.

Furthermore, it can make your blog or site popular. After all, if you want to become a successful affiliate, you need to drive the reputation and ranking of your site in Google.

It always sounds good when other people share their success stories with Amazon Associates. We can even see a lot of videos and contents out there how they were able to make it big as an Amazon partner.

Deep down, you want to experience it too, right?

Of course, there are a plethora of tutorials out there that supposedly can teach you how to become an ace in this field.

But if you want a smooth and foolproof guide on how to make money with the Amazon Affiliate Program, you better read the rest of this article.



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What is The Amazon Associates Program?

In layman’s term, the Amazon Associates Program allows ordinary individuals, like you and me, to be their partner.

You don’t have to be a giant corporate stockholder or a major player in the retail industry before you can work with Amazon. You just have to become a member of their affiliate program to relish the wealth that they are getting.


Amazon's Today's Deals


Established in 1996, the Amazon Associates Program is considered to be the pioneer of online affiliate platforms. When you become a part of this system, you are entitled to get commissions for every Amazon-listed products that you were able to market and sell.

The rate of commissions that you get depends on the product or item that you have sold. If it is an expensive one, you’ll get a big share. And that’s the very reason why a lot of people are digging this program of Amazon.

A successful affiliate sale takes place when a buyer purchases a product or service through your unique affiliate link.

That affiliate link is supplied by Amazon after you have signed up and got into the Associates’s dashboard area.



Why Join This Program?

The idea of making money is already a compelling reason why you need your blog to become an affiliate.

Do you need other reasons? Well, here are some of them:

Amazon is popular. Almost all Americans entrust their shopping on this online retail site. Therefore, you will never have a shade of doubt to the products that you are trying to market.

Your readers will already have trust going to Amazon’s site so you have no problems needing to oversell to your readers when you can just mention the name Amazon, trust is already there.

Amazon Associates is free. No hidden fees. No extra charges. Just plain free.

Anyone can be accepted. Your site will not be condemned if it still new or it if it only has low traffic. As long as you can fulfill the requirements set by Amazon, you can join them anytime.

Your interested niche will certainly be present. Whether you are into outdoors or fashion, Amazon has something to offer to your readers.

It can become a passive source of income. You don’t have to work all day, especially if your blog has been established already.



How to Start?

With all of these given benefits, anyone can easily allude to the treasure trove that is Amazon. However, I can tell you directly that their affiliate program doesn’t work like magic. There’s still work that you have to do.

Well, the very first thing that you have to do is to sign-up to them. Check the process below.


Amazon Associates Program home page


1. First, visit the link

2. There’s a “Join Now” button there. Click it so that you can start providing your information.

3. There’s an Amazon sign-in page that will prompt in your screen. It is important that you have a registered Amazon account before you can join the Amazon Associates. These two requires different sign-in accounts.

4. Once done, you can already fill-up all the necessary information needed. Make sure that everything is accurate, especially your payment details.

5. If you have fulfilled all the essential requirements, you need to wait for a few days before Amazon approves your account.

Once you’re all approved and set up, please note that you only have about 180 days from the time of your account started to make a real sale or else your account will be closed and you’ll have to reapply in the future.

So, it’s better to apply for this program after you have some traffic coming to your blog before applying.

You will not be able to buy from your own affiliate links, Amazon somehow knows if you buy, your friends buy, and your family buying.  This is no joke.

Amazon will not credit you any sales to you that have any suspicion you are linked to that customer in any way.



How to Make Money With Amazon Associate Program?

Now that you have an account, you need to start your grind already. Depending on your skill as an SEO or content manager, you may need to start from scratch.

Things are a lot better if you have an idea already about website management, keyword research, and other technical stuff that is related to affiliate marketing.

I learned all that stuff on an affiliate marketing training platform, my blog website here is a success story of it!  Read all about this awesome training platform here (you’ll also find out I offer FREE COACHING!)


1) Select a Niche

How to Find the Best NicheTo be able to make money in Amazon, you have to make sure that you are on the right niche. Of course, the right niche can be interpreted differently by most of us.

But in general, the right niche is a mixture of your preferences and the search competition.

You don’t want to get involved in a niche that is too popular. There’s a lot of blogs out there that are competing there. Unless you have powerful arsenals at your disposal, you can never outrank them in the search engines.

Search for a good niche that has low competition. These are the most profitable. Before they get saturated, you should stay ahead in the competition already.

This is where keyword research comes into play to see what people are searching for and find out if those niches are low or high competition.

You are given a keyword research tool at the training platform I use, that you can start for free.  Check it out in my free guide here.


2) Build a Website

Building a website these days is not as hard as it used to be, you literally don’t need to know any coding to build a website.

A lot of it these days is point and click, everything is very user friendly.

However, you still need to figure out a domain name and web host for your new website.  The best format for an Amazon affiliate site is a WordPress blog website.

Make sure that you can also make a handsome domain name. Make it appealing and savvy to the readers.

And for the record, there’s no harm if you are going to make your domain name rich in keywords. Google doesn’t penalize it.

I know there are many web host companies out there, and I use HostGator myself, but I also use the better hosting at the training platform I’m at for all my sites after this one.

I had created this one at HostGator just before I found that training platform and I found out because of the way I had setup WordPress, I can’t move it to that training platform but my new sites are on there now.

If you want easy, use this training platform here so you have your domain, website host, and your full training all in one place.

Their site builder builds your blog website in less than a minute, with WordPress installed, and then you can use their lessons to set up your website and show you how to build your website out.

The lessons are comprehensive as it has 5 Levels with 10 lessons in each.  You’ll also have tasks under each lesson to take action on so you can build your Amazon affiliate marketing business as you learn.

It was totally worth it for me to use that training and have built myself a 4 digit monthly online income with it!  Find out how you can have me as your Free Coach on that training platform here.


3) Practice SEO. All The Time.

SEO is your gateway to success. When it comes to making it big in the search engines, this practice is extremely crucial. There are no other means of getting ranked in Google aside from SEO.

If you want your site to reach your potential audiences, it needs to get seen, right? How does it happen? By being on the first pages of Google of course!

There are a variety of SEO strategies that you can implement. There’s an SEO for your website, and there’s even an SEO to your content.

Now, a little knowledge is never really enough here. Being too reserved won’t give you any yields either. Investing in training will become very evident, very soon if you don’t know how to do SEO.

In the long run, you’ll realize that you can’t do manual work all the time.


4) Practice Providing Good Value

Let’s say that you have ranked in search engines already. Should you start jumping for joy?

For me, I wouldn’t be too confident. Even if you have a high stature in search engines, there’s still no guarantee that your traffic can make those delicious conversions.

They wouldn’t click the links that you have posted if you have poor copywriting in your articles and content. The secret in succeeding in affiliate marketing is first by providing value to your audience.


Conquering Misconceptions: Does Affiliate Marketing Make Money?


Good, natural, and helpful content are the ones that turn your audience into immediate Amazon buyers. Post interesting stuff that helps them solve something for them.

Give them what they were searching for in the first place, include videos, tweets, and any related items to make your contents more engaging.

Once you have their trust, they will take your recommendations and check out the products you will show them in the process of you helping them.

In affiliate marketing, you’re not really “selling” directly but offering suggestions and recommendations from the help you are giving them.

So helping them solve the problem they were searching for is number one, then in the way you chose to help them with may require tools or products as the solution.

If you have presented the case that they will need those tools/products to fix their problems, then they will click on your links to go buy them.

That’s how you make money with the Amazon Associates program!



Invest In Training

It is difficult to learn all of these things in one go. Even if you will dedicate your time in studying all these aspects, there’s still no guarantee that you can master them.

Thumbs UpHowever, with the right training, you’ll have a way better chance of success as you’ll have a path to follow and not be scrambling around.

As I’ve already mentioned above, I was not able to find the success like I have today if it wasn’t for this training platform.

You will learn everything from beginning to end about how to build this affiliate site with the Amazon Associates program.

I also have access to a certain secret strategy that Super Affiliates use to build their sites, you can have this for FREE.  Learn how to get this bonus here in my free guide!

This is my friend Dylan is one of those Amazon Super Affiliates and you can have his “How To Create a 6 Figure Website” tutorial totally free as my bonus to you if you sign up for the training platform I use, click here:


Dylan's Training on How To Create A 6 Figure Website


This is just an extra on top of the core, main training that’s offered on the training platform itself.  You have tons of members like myself and Dylan that are willing to help others so you will always be supported in your journey.

I am pretty sure that you need some help in establishing an affiliate site for Amazon Associate. Therefore, I do recommend that you checking out this training platform that got me to Super Affiliate status.

All the things that you need to learn for affiliate marketing are on that platform!

Start learning now!


If you have any questions or thoughts regarding how to make money with Amazon Associate program or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now




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