Internet Millionaire Coach Review: Scam Or $82K/Month?

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Is Internet Millionaire Coach a scam?Wow, Internet Millionaire Coach sounds awesome right to make you a millionaire?  Or is Internet Millionaire Coach a scam really? My review will show you the truth!

Sites like this always tempt you with ridiculous income hype that you’ll be making in your first year on autopilot.

They show you the high commissions you can make but really they don’t tell you the hardest part of the whole system or what’s really involved.

That’s why my review needs to show you the truth so you can make a better decision for yourself.

In my Internet Millionaire Coach review, I will go through the following:



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Product Name: Internet Millionaire Coach


Price: $49 + Thousands of Upsells

Owner: Hidden (Affiliate)

Recommended? NO.

There are a lot of sites with Jeff Lerner in it like this and that all do the same thing, and in fact, the video is mostly the same except for the intro but the rest of it it’s the same sob story.


Internet Millionaire Coach Home page sales video


How he was flat broke in tons of debt and now he’s found this magic system that makes him thousands of dollars on the daily.

He claims that this system will just dump massive commissions into your bank account and all on autopilot.

You won’t need to do much work because the whole system is automated and you’ll be making sales without closing a damn sale.

Sure sounds enticing and most people would jump at such a shiny opportunity but don’t be fooled as you’ll be really taken for your money.

You see, there isn’t an Internet Millionaire Coach system, in fact, this site is just a cover up for a very risky company that can get you into tons of debt like one of my readers did here.

So if you’re not careful, you can be in the same situation but I’m hopeful for you because you’re here reading my review.

This is no different than other ones I’ve reviewed:

They all tell you how you can make thousands of dollars in your first week even which is a total lie because you will need a week just to absorb all the training, at the very least.

Sites like these are just there to lure you with fancy cars, fancy houses, and makes you want that lifestyle where money just flows to you in the thousands.


Internet Millionaire Coach makes you want to be a millionaire


It claims it can even make you a millionaire but you have to make over $82K a month to be a millionaire and I highly doubt you can do that in your first year that the sales video pitches, especially with only 4 hours of work per week!

Let’s get rid of all the BS and take a closer look at the real system.




When you finally get down to where you can go forward to their checkout page, you will not see Internet Millionaire Coach anymore, instead you will get The 16 Steps’ checkout page which shows the real program “Jeff’s 6 Figure Business System”.

There is no problem if you have a system to actually make people millionaires but why do you have to hide it?

They must do this because there are significant costs to the program that they don’t want you to know about until after you’ve joined.

That’s why the sales video for all these programs don’t give you a lot of details but just give you want you want to hear.

In order to make those high commissions that they brag about in their video, you first have to pay buy into those high priced products first yourself before you can promote them and make money off of them.

They call this a “licensing fee” or “right to sell” fee.

The high ticket offers are usually multi-leveled so the more you invest, the more you can earn from them but they can run as high as tens of thousands of dollars!

Some would say if you invest in all the packages, it would be the size of a down payment on a house!

This is very similar to Aspire or MOBE if you heard of those names before.


Internet Millionaire Coach High Commissions


When you buy into those high priced packages, the person that brought you in will earn the $500 – $10,000 commissions depending on what you buy.

You will also earn the same amounts if you got someone into the program and they also “invest”.

That’s the only way you can make those high commissions that they talk about in the sales video.

It is true that you will get a coach but I highly doubt that person is a millionaire but the purpose of that person is to get you to upgrade and fork out as much money as possible.


Simple Profit Secret Millionaire mentor


This coach is basically the sales team of the sponsor that brought you into the this program, so that’s also true that you don’t have to close any sales yourself because these guys will do it.

So what’s left for you to do?  Bring in leads.

The hardest part of the program is getting other people to come into a program that takes thousands of dollars out of you!

That is why they need to trick you under layers of lies to get you into this program blindly or else you would never join in the first place if they actually told you the real program’s name and how much it actually costs to make any money from this system.

Oh yeah, also, this hardest part of getting leads is NOT automated.  You will have to put in some work if you know what you’re doing but most people don’t because their training is very basic.

You would need to be an expert internet marketer with a huge following to make any of those commissions that they talk about.

Most average people that join this program end up with lost savings or get themselves into huge amounts of debt without any way of making that money back.

This system is definitely NOT as easy as they make it sound and most high ticket programs like this has a very low success rate.




Yes, any site that doesn’t reveal the truth is a scam to me so Internet Millionaire Coach is a scam as there is no such system by that name.

It’s fake to lure you into the Jeff’s 6 Figure Business System that takes thousands of dollars from you instead of helping you make thousands of dollars.


Internet Millionaire Coach 4 hours a week BS


You think working 4 hours a week can make you a millionaire?  Think again.

These are all lies that they say so you will feel this is easy and will fork over your $49 to get you in the door and get all your personal info.

Once they have your number, they will keep calling you to get you to upgrade and give them your money.

I do NOT recommend any of this!




There is a much better alternative if you still want to learn how to make money online without putting up thousands of dollars.

In fact, you can start to learn the business model I use for FREE so you can check it out fully to see if you really like it.

The business model I use is also great for beginners because it’s simple to use and easy to understand, I’ve completely explained what this is in my free guide here:

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In my guide, you will learn how this business model works, what’s involved, and what you’ll be actually doing.

It’s a real, proven way that will help you build an asset that will be sustainable for the long term and can literally pay your bills for many years to come

You will have a safe place to learn without worrying about being scammed.

Just know that this is a real online business you can start and it’s not some magic system that will spit money out at your bank account which really does NOT exist.

Therefore, if you want to really earn some life changing amount of money, you will have to put some real work effort into it to build it to the level of success you’re looking for.

Stop getting scammed today and start something real!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether Internet Millionaire Coach is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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