Is 6 Minute Profits A Scam? Read My Review First Before You Buy!

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Is 6 Minute Profits a scam? My Review Tells the TruthHere’s another internet marketing product you need to watch out for so I’m writing this 6 Minute Profits review to show you if it is a scam or not.

Just be the name of the title of the product, you think you’ve hit a goldmine to be able to make lots of money with just 6 minutes of work, but you really think this would work?

Has anyone been successful from not working hard?

You will need to see for yourself if this is for you but for me, I wouldn’t buy this even if it’s $1.


In my 6 Minute Profits Review, I will go over:



If you don’t want to waste anymore time on scams,
see My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online:

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6 Minute Profits LogoProduct Name: 6 Minute Profits

Creators: Art Flair & Aidan Corkery

Website: GO HERE

Price: $6.95 + Upsells

Recommended? No.

This 6 Minute Profits product is an online marketing video training course that teaches you how to make over $100 per day in just 6 minutes of work each day.

If you think you can just work 6 minutes a day to earn $100 a day, then they gotcha!

This is what the owners do, especially Art Flair.  People like this put out products of the same thing all the time selling the dream of having fast cash with little to no work at all.

This 6 Minute Profits is no different and you can see that in their sales video!

If you check their sales video, this is a rehash of an old product called “6 Figure Profits” and you can see that at about 2 minutes and 5 seconds:

6 Minute Profits Video Shows Old Product Name


They are too lazy to even make sure their sales video is updated for their new product of 6 Minute Profits because they are just interested in making money themselves.

They will con you into buying this by selling you the dream of fast cash and make you buy the upsells that will make them profits and not you.

You will be the one out of pocket while they just used an old video to sell you this “new method“.

I’m glad you are on my 6 Minute Profits review now so I hope you haven’t spent a dime on them yet.  Let’s keep going to see if this is worth your $6.95.




Let’s take a look at the Pros and Cons of this 6 Minute Profits and you can easily access if this is a good program to join.


  • Video training is easy to follow
  • Low Price



  • Over-hyped Income
  • Training not complete, especially for beginners
  • Deceiving Sales Tactics on Sales Page
  • Limited to No Support
  • Low Price Doesn’t Include Everything
  • Upsells – Hidden Costs
  • Done For You Templates Doesn’t Come With Instructions
  • Not For Newbies
  • Rehashed From An Old Product




The initial price of 6 Minute Profits is $6.95 but this price will go up as they sell more and more, up to $9.97.

These types of products are always priced below $10 so they can get you to buy the upsells since you’ve already “committed” with your initial buy.

You really get what you pay for as you are not getting much in the basic product of $6.95, this is why they like to sell you other things.

6 Minute Profits Upsells


Upsell #1 @ $27 – 5 Case Studies + Advanced Training

Upsell #2 @ $37 – Done for you Pack + Advanced Training (Campaigns, squeeze pages, niches, groups, offers, images & music)

Upsell #3 @ $97 – Reseller’s Licence




6 Minute Profits ProductsHate to be the one to break the news to you, no this won’t work for you, especially if you’re a beginner.

These types of products never give you all the training you need.  They will talk about campaigns and squeeze pages but don’t tell you how to put it all together.

There will be very limited training on how to set up an email auto responder and how to connect all these done for you pages to the auto responder.

And then, you’re supposed to get all this to work with just 6 MINUTES a day?  This is the biggest scam ever!

No one can make hundreds of dollars with just 6 minutes of work a day.  These so called case studies they do have already been set up with their many previous products and it will take you weeks, if not months, to set everything up like they have.

If you don’t know how to set it up, they don’t tell you, so you’ll take even longer to research how to do it on your own.

These types of products just take advantage of newbies and people who don’t know better, this is why I write this to inform you!

Building an online business and making money online takes time to build and to learn all you need to.  You also need comprehensive training, not paper thin training like 6 Minute Profits.

If you’re serious about making money online and want to learn from a trusted source, then read on.




There’s only very few trusted programs out there and I’ve looked far and wide before I started this website.

When I finally found Wealthy Affiliate, I was instantly relieved and knew I found the right training for me.  I’ve been a Premium member there since Sep 2016 and this website is a result of their training.

You will be able to learn how to build your own website and use affiliate marketing to monetize your site.

Cycle of Affiliate MarketingIt’s the number 1 business model to use if you want to build an online business that will be sustainable in the long run.

Affiliate marketing is used because it’s easy to learn and easy to enter such a field.  You know how people search on search engines all day long about things they want to find out about?

Well, if you have a website with answers to some of these queries, then your website can show up on the first page of these search results which will get you tons of people (traffic) on your website.

When they read your solution to their query and if you have a product you recommended for them, then they will click on your link to go buy it.

When they do buy it, YOU make a commission!  This is how affiliate marketing works and if your website continues to be helpful enough to others, you will make even more commissions for a long time to come!



That’s where Wealthy Affiliate will help you.  They have the most comprehensive training for you to learn from and a proven path that will help you build the online business that you want.

Your website will be about what you want it to be, and Wealthy Affiliate will even help you decide what that topic is.

Wealthy Affiliate will take you by the hand and you’ll be able to build your website along side the training!

It’s pretty awesome!  You can learn more about their Free Starter membership (which will give you 2 free websites plus the first 10 lessons free) and see a video tour of the training platform at my full review here:

Learn More About Wealthy Affiliate Button


You will not find another place like Wealthy Affiliate as there is also a huge community of members in there ready to help you if you need it.

I will also be there to personally help you as well so you will not be alone in this new venture you’ll be undertaking.

Do yourself a favor and use a program that’s widely trusted and a company that’s been around since 2005.

Products like 6 Minute Profits come and go, and as you saw above, they just recycle their old 6 Figure Profits for this product, so how can you trust them?

I hope you will make the right decision for yourself and that I have given you lots of information to think about.


If you have any further questions or thoughts about my 6 Minute Profits Review and whether it’s a scam, or Wealthy Affiliate, please leave me a comment below.  I always reply to all my visitors! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

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