Is American Online Jobs A Scam You Should Avoid? YES! YES! YES!

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It may be hard to believe but American Online Jobs does not have any jobs on there.  Nobody is hiring and they are just using those words to scam you to go on American Online Jobs.

I have reviewed many other scams on my site here and I can tell you right now that scammers use the words “job”, “jobs”, “hiring”, “part time”, etc to lure you into their business opportunity.

American Online Jobs is no different and I’ve gone through their entire system and I can tell you that you’ll be in for a ride.

I actually thought maybe these guys are really going to help people make some money online but it turns out they are just making money for themselves.

My American Online Jobs review will be detailed out in the following sections:



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American Online Jobs logo


Program Name: American Online Jobs


Price: Free (not really)

Recommended? No

The American Online Jobs site is actually a business opportunity for you to try to make money from and in fact it would have worked except one bad thing:  This system makes you go into scam products.

I’ll get more into that in a second but let’s take a look at what you are presented first from American Online Jobs.


American Online Jobs has no jobs and no one is hiring


When you first land on American Online Jobs, you are to answer several quick questions and then click on “Click Here To Apply” which is B.S. because there’s nothing to apply for.

Once you press that button it takes you to a survey site, at the time of this review, it was going to Toluna which is a piece of crap survey site which had already gave a thumbs down to here.


American Online Jobs Wants You To Sign Up At Toluna


They want you to sign up there but doesn’t really tell you to other than “After you apply above please continue to Step #2″ so instead of “apply” they should have said to sign up.

You do not necessarily apply to any survey sites, you would sign up on them instead.

American Online Jobs wants you to create your accounts on multiple survey sites and this other Online Flex Job site as well in Step 2.

Why they want you to do this is so you can also then promote with your own American Online Jobs page and configure it so that you will have all your own referral links on them instead so you can make money like they are doing when you signed up to all those different accounts.

This system they claim makes you $700 – $1,600 a week from promoting your own American Online Jobs page but will this really work?




The big answer is that this American Online Jobs system won’t work because one of the things you have to sign up for is a scam AND then in the members area, their training is stuck on lesson #6 so you have no way to get all their training.

The second step where they really want you to sign up on the Online Flex Job site, this is a site that will get you nowhere.


Online Flex Job Home page


I had just done a review on them and found out you have to buy this antivirus software or else you can’t get through to creating your account on there.

That site also claims you have jobs on there too which is a big huge lie as well and Online Flex Job was determined a scam since it tells you that they have “processor” jobs for you which are scams that’s been exposed lately here.

Online Flex Job is also very similar to other scam sites like Legit Flex Job and NorthAmeriCorp where you’re lured to their site because you think there are real jobs but you’re actually being scammed by these “worksheet processor” jobs where you will be losing your pants off $5 at a time.

Online Flex Job doesn’t sound any more legit than these other two and in fact, their schemes are very similar and could even be from the same owners.


This System Won’t Work Even If There Were No Scams

The American Online Jobs system that won’t work anyway even if there were no scams involved because part of their training that I can access is telling you to just post Facebook ads in groups and also use paid traffic.

They are basically telling you to lie about how much you can make with it so you can put whatever you want in the ad to make people click on your link which leads them to your American Online Jobs page.


American Online Jobs Members Area Training


They even tell you to make the ad vague and not to add any details to it so they have to click the link to find out.

Look at the sample ad above in the image, this is a screen shot of their training, basically showing you how to lie to people using words like “help wanted” which traditionally meant that there’s a job available and that you’re hiring which you are NOT doing.

You can make some money this way, lying to others, but you’re not going to make $700 – $1,600 a week doing that since you can only get so far with lies.

I work with “referral marketing” too which is the same as affiliate marketing where you can make money from driving sales or whatever action that’s need to trigger a commission for you.

So that’s why in the beginning American Online Jobs make you go through to sign up on a bunch of different survey sites as well as Online Flex Job so you can grab all those referral links from each account and then configure them onto your own American Online Jobs page.

If you don’t use your own referral links, you will be making American Online Jobs richer because you’ll be driving sales for them.

Their way of marketing your page won’t get you the kind of money they had lured you in with as well, I don’t recommend this way of using affiliate marketing because you won’t be able to make significant amounts of money doing it like that.

Now that their training doesn’t even finish and stuck on lesson #6, you’ll never get the full training and you’ll definitely won’t be able to succeed with this.




Thumbs DownBecause it is leading you to at least one scam, I’ll have to say that American Online Jobs is a scam as well.

I also say it’s a scam because they are very misleading about using the word Jobs in their name when there are no jobs or anyone hiring per se.

They should not be using words that is so close to words use for employment, which is highly misleading and deceiving.

You’re also asked to sign up on a bunch of places you may not even know why or what you’ll be doing to make money as they’re instructions are so weak.

I only knew what’s going on the whole time because I’ve been reviewing hundreds of different programs, systems, and seen just about anything.

This system is not a good one anyway even without the scam site because their training is incomplete.

I have to conclude that I do not recommend American Online Jobs.




In order to get away from the scams, you need to find a legit source that has complete, comprehensive step-by-step training and learn how making money on the internet works.

That’s what I did back in Sep/16 and from the training I received, I was able to build my online business up to a 4 digit monthly online income these days.

Since I know how things work, I can spot a weakness in a system pretty quickly and that’s how I’m able to help others get away from scams.

You can learn the same thing but help others in whatever topic you’d like to pick that you’re passionate about.

You can find out what this online business is about and how it all works in my free guide here:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Guide Here Button


My guide will show you what business model I like to use that takes advantage of the millions of products that are online today and will only get better as more products and services come online.

I show you where this great training platform is and all the features it comes with, including a huge support system that will get you help whenever you need it.

This is the real thing so expect to apply some good, consistent work effort into or else it won’t work.  Just like Rome, your online business won’t be built in a day.

Remember that hard work is always needed for success, and anyone telling you that you don’t need to work much or very little is probably a scam!

Stop wasting time on scams and start building your future today!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether American Online Jobs is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



2 thoughts on “Is American Online Jobs A Scam You Should Avoid? YES! YES! YES!”

  1. What a great review, thanks for this, I almost fell for it! I’ll check out your guide instead.

    Thanks again,

    • Hi Linda, you were smart to come to my review to see the truth! These kinds of programs are very misleading and will lead you down the wrong path.

      I see that you certainly did check out my free guide since you’ve already signed up to the safest place (by far) to learn how to make money online that has given me a 4 digit online income!

      I’ll touch base with you on the inside, thanks for visiting!

      Wishing you much success,


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