Is My Ecom Club A Scam Or Really Make Money With ECommerce?

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Looking around to see what you can do to make money online and My Ecom Club seems to be a good program to check out but is My Ecom Club a scam though?

Will they just take your money and run or will you actually have a real platform to learn from?

Unfortunately in this space, there are many scams out there that claim to teach you this and that to make money online but there are very few legitimate programs out there.

I’ve been reviewing 100’s of programs and know how to bring you the truth about programs like this and give you the information you need to really decide if this is right for you.

The My Ecom Club review below will be detailed out in the following sections:



If You Don’t Want To Waste Anymore Time On Scams,
See My #1 Recommended Way of Making Money Online:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Guide Here Button




My Ecom Club Logo


Program Name: My Ecom Club


Price: $37, $37/month, $97, Plus $1,000’s

Owner: Rocky Lin

Recommended? No

UPDATE OCT 27, 2018:

Someone related to this product tried to put FAKE comments on this post today:

My Ecom Club Puts Fake Comments on my site


I know they are fake since it all came in with the SAME IP address with three different names, and I’m sure those email addresses are fake too.  I have since blocked that IP address from coming on my site.

Of course, the fake comments tried to tell you guys that this product is great and how spending $2k was all worth it, which is very different from REAL testimonies in the approved comments under this post below.


UPDATE AUG 21, 2018:

This is now being heavily promoted via scams that mislead people to this product without people knowing what they are getting themselves into.

The following fake sites are being promoted as their own system but people are really blindly buying this My Ecom Club instead at checkout:

Each of those fake sites above tell people they can make money really fast, a lot of it, in a very short amount of time, and all on autopilot.


The My Ecom Club website claims to be a training platform that will teach you how to build your own online business in the e-commerce space like having your own online store.

They say on their website that you don’t need to know anything before you join and they will teach you how to do it, as well, they even offer done for you options.


My Ecom Club Home Page


You will learn how to build online shops without having to see, touch or handle any of the inventory because you’ll be using the drop shipping method where the vendor will produce and ship the products on your behalf.

You’ll be able to make as much profit as you want as you’ll be in full control on how much you’ll be selling the products for since you’ll know your total cost from the vendors you choose.

My Ecom Club will show you step by step how this all works and you’ll learn all the details on how to put this together to make a thriving online business.

My Ecom Club platform offers memberships for you to buy in order to access their step-by-step training but you will get with your membership:

  • A members community where you can give each other support and discuss issues at hand.
  • A coach to mentor you and keep you on track.
  • A support team that you can contact 24/7.

There are 3 memberships you can join under which are:

  1. Instant E-Commerce Website Template – $37 one time fee – You won’t get a coach at this level, but you will get high converting templates to work with.
  2. Inner Circle Membership – $37 per month – Monthly training call is included here, access to leaders including Rocky Lin.  You will get a lot more than what’s included in the Instant package.
  3. Gold Membership – $97 one time fee – Here is where you’ll learn everything about having an online business that makes thousands of dollars a month and you’ll get the a coach with this as well.

This looks all legit until I tried looking up Rocky Lin to find out who he is and realized this name is associated with past scams.

Digging a little deeper is definitely needed for programs like this because they don’t necessary tell you everything you need to know.

So through my research I found that there are even more costs on top of the above membership fees and you won’t know about it until you’ve bought in.




In this section, I want to bring your attention to several red flags I see with this program because you need to watch out for these types of signs to avoid future scams or low quality programs.

Red flags also indicate that a product or program may not be as good as it says or not as legitimate as they seem.

#1 Red Flag – Rocky Lin Associated With Scam Products

When first researching this Rocky Lin to see what I can find on this “proven ecommerce powerhouse”, I was reminded that he was the supposed creator for My Secret Sites which I reviewed last year and did not recommend.

I also can’t find any Rocky Lin that has any connections with being an e-commerce expert either.

If anything, the real owner may be Teo Vee since that’s the name attached to their twitter account as seen here:

My Ecom Club's Twitter profile


#2 Red Flag – The Company Address Connected to More Scams

When I searched their corporate office’s address, it was found that their address was the same as yet another product I did not recommend, Countdown To Profits, because of all the red flags typical in a scam.

My Ecom Club Corporate Address


My Ecom Club connected with Countdown to Profits

Just not sure why the zips are different since the street and suite numbers are exact match.

My Ecom Club must have been the underlying program they were promoting on Countdown to Profits (which has been shut down by now) which is a crazy way to go about misleading people to get them to sign up for this.



#3 Red Flag – More Costs

Basically the training ends up with wanting you to upgrade to have them build your shop for you and get all the products on your shop for your from beginning to end so you can just start promoting your new shop.

But the cost is not cheap: $1,997 + $97/monthly fee for continued support.

My Ecom Club True Costs

With the training they give you, I believe you can learn to build it yourself but you will need to do more research on your own since they don’t give you complete training.

They bank on people not having enough time or patience to figure it out with more training so they have this “do it all for you” deal instead.

In fact, you cannot build this business without moving forward with this cost as they will not provide you with further training unless you pay.




Thumbs DownWhile this My Ecom Club is not a scam, you don’t seem to be getting much if you just bought the memberships above.

You will need to buy the $1,997 to get any business going or try to profit from it, plus you have a hefty recurring fee of $97/month.

With such a hefty investment, it will take some time for you to earn it back and make a profit, plus you still have other costs with this business model like paid traffic, inventory, payment fees, and Shopify fees.

You certainly do not need My Ecom Club to build your own online shop, I’ve had two online shops myself that were products I handmade myself.

Nor, do you have to spend so much to get an online shop up and running.

The training suggests you use Shopify and I agree with this option since you don’t have to deal with getting your own payment processor and Shopify has add-on apps to make things easier for your business such as a drop shipping app to add the products to your shop very easily.

Remember that if you use drop shipping, you’re still responsible for customer service and you’re still the face to the public whether your supplier from China will send products to your customer or not, they will be complaining to you.

Drop-shipping’s a lot more involved business model because you will also need to use paid traffic (getting visitors on your shop) which could be a very costly expense if you don’t know what you’re doing.

With that all said and done, the business model of drop shipping is legitimate and you can definitely make you money with it but that I do not recommend My Ecom Club because they don’t provide you with complete training and they just want you to pay $2k + $97/month for them to do it for you.




I don’t feel you need to spend 4 figures to get your online business going and there is another business model that I use that doesn’t make you buy any products at all or deal with customer service/receiving payments for the products you promote.

It’s a much simpler business model that has giving me a 4 figure online income and flexibility to be home with my kids.

You will be able to build it with complete and comprehensive training that does not skip any steps to help you reach the goals you want with your online business.

This is also a business model where you can learn to build your online business so that you don’t have to pay for any traffic if you don’t want to, just like how you landed on my review today and I didn’t pay a dime for it.

You can find out what this online business is about and how it all works in my free guide here:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Guide Here Button


I’ve been using this business model since Sep/16 and was glad to have this safe environment to really learn from not only the training but with other business owners and experts.

You’ll also have a community to reach you to and the best part of all, you can get started for really cheap: FREE!

This is so you can test out the platform so I’m not lying to you and do not have to open your wallets until you like everything you see.

You will be using the exact method I’ll be using to earn my 4 digit online income, and I know that if I can do it, YOU can do it too!

Stop spending thousands of dollars and start building your online business today for free!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether My Ecom Club is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



45 thoughts on “Is My Ecom Club A Scam Or Really Make Money With ECommerce?”

  1. Hi Grace,

    My brother just showed me your website when I shared with him that I joined e-com club. I’ve paid over $2,000 for their help. Is it too late to pull out and get my money back? I was so excited about this!

    • Hi Rosa,

      I can’t remember if My Ecom Club had any refund policy or what they had for it (I think they DID offer one). The only thing I could suggest is that you contact them immediately for a refund so you can make any time constraints on the refund period.

      Yes of course it sounded exciting, but all they showed you are how much money you can make, but that’s gross revenue they show you as well.

      They never show you any profit margins or your total costs needed. Also ANY change you make to your shop needs to go through them if you give them that kind of control and that’s why they want $97/month also after your $2K.

      If you do get a refund, will you continue to try to build your online shop on your own or will you try the business model in my guide?

      I would love to help you out!

  2. Grace, if you confirm that MY ECOMCLUB is genuine, is there anything wrong in paying for services if I cannot do it myself? If I pay over $2000 on MY ECOMCLUB but make profit on investment after all, is that not a good deal?
    Please, convince me if you want me to do otherwise.

    • Hi Paul,

      As I was saying in my review, I believe you will get what they offer with your $2K investment but at the same time you, they have told you how they do this and including the plugins to use to help you.

      $2K is NOT the only investment, they also want like $97/month for maintenance so you have to keep this payment up forever since you don’t want to learn how to do this yourself.

      On top of that, you will be spending money on FB advertising and if you don’t pick good products, this is an easy way to waste your money. Each ad you place won’t get your sales every single time. You’ll need to test your ad campaigns to see what works and what doesn’t. I’m not sure how much training they will teach you on this but this will be crucial to the success of your shop.

      Like I said above, the one thing I didn’t like about e-commerce when I did it was the constant promotion of it, these days, my online business don’t need a single penny of advertising as it attracts its own visitors, just like I didn’t have to pay anything for you to come on my site this morning.

      I’m not here to convince anyone of anything. I present my opinions and my thoughts about the programs I review, and I tell you what has worked for me which is explained all in my free guide here.

      The decision is yours to make. I have full control over my online business, if you go with My Ecom Club, you will have no control and you’ll be at their mercy for every tiny thing you need changed or done.

      If you do try it though, I would love to hear about your experience.

      Best of luck to you whatever you decide!

  3. Hello Grace.

    I recently started joining myecomclub after paying the initial one time payment of $97 and this other one time fee for $37 to have full access to the training from start here and steps 1-6. According to the comments that I read on Facebook, from people saying the same thing about being new to the site and also they have finished step 1-6 and going beyond that, thinking that I am going to have more steps to complete than 6. I really do want to have my store up and running in the hopes of making sales and generate as much as I want but I don’t want to be under anybody’s control either. I mean what should I do with myecomclub? Get a refund and look for something that I can do free or just continue to grow a business with myecomclub? I mean so far I am slowly trying to complete the steps but then in other cases I feel like I am not getting all of the insight of training that I deserve. Plus I get bored when I know that I am wasting my own time after making a one time payment fee to get started and realized that I would have to pay more fees to keep this thing going. Even though i just started last week April 30, 2018 and I only have within the 30 days to decide whether I want to keep this going or fall back.

    • Hi Adriana,

      I have gone through the steps too which tells you what app you can use to pull in the products you want, so you can totally follow the training which was free since I didn’t pay anything to check it out.

      You can do this on your own by just going to Shopify and creating your shop there plus add the plugin they suggested.

      You will need find out how to use paid traffic though which is one of my crutches regarding online stores. No search engines these days will rank online shops very high because they don’t have quality content on them nor do they produce any content on a consistent basis unless you add a blog to your shop.

      If you add a blog to your shop, you need to blog on it properly to get you the traffic so I suggest you get real training here for that. This training is actually for making money with a blog but you can skip the monetization parts.

      So the only way you can get traffic to your shop without a blog is paid advertising. The training I referenced also has some paid traffic training but you should get some good training on FB advertising or Google Adwords, etc, or else you’ll be losing a lot of money while not gaining any good experience.

      I’d love to hear what you end up doing if you can give us an update later.

      Best of luck to you!

  4. Hi Grace I have a question I came across this whole ecom club. I paid the fee. But I have not signed the user agreement because I am hesitant that it’s a scam. I shouldn’t have paid the one time fee. What do I do know to get my money back and get out of all of this?

    • Hi Nicole, I’m sorry about your situation. The only thing I can tell you is to go back to them to request a refund. That would be definitely your first point of contact and then if they don’t refund, then you should go to your credit card or whatever you used to pay and tell them to reject the charge somehow.

      But let’s give them the benefit of doubt, and ask them first if they will refund. If they don’t, please come back here to tell everyone that they do not have any refunds.

      That would really be bad business for them if they don’t refund.

      I hope you get your money back Nicole, meanwhile you can actually find a safe place like I have to learn how to make money online, you can read all about it here. The training I received gives me a 4 digit online income nowadays!

      Best of luck to you,

      • Hi Grace I found out it was a scam because I couldn’t get ahold of anyone and didn’t get my money back either. I won’t ever do that again.

        • Sorry to hear this Nicole, that’s really sad that they couldn’t even tell you that you won’t be getting a refund. They should have at least responded to your request and deny the refund than just not responding to you at all.

          Thanks for sharing your experience so others can see what’s going on with these guys.


        • 8882365992 Call this number, which is my ecom club customer service. I paid out over $700 and they refunded it all within 3-4 days

          • That’s great news that you got refunded, I’m glad they honor it. Thanks for leaving their customer service number too, thank you! 🙂

        • Call the costumer service # which is 623-505-5862 and they have a 30 day money back guarantee. If this doesn’t work or they tell you otherwise, please comment about it so everyone will know.. I’m currently enrolled and skeptical now from this blog but gave me an insight to ask them questions to see if this blog is correct and to see if the control and training is not in our hands.

  5. You did not make it to the point after purchasing the 2 stores for $2400, I did the $600/4 month payment plan. I thought continued training was involved with that $97/mo fee, but I guess still only partial training because bam!!! they hit you with an option to pay $5,000 to $40,000 for something called an upgrade package and that cost is if you pay in 10 days, otherwise it is $7,000 to $57,000. I don’t know if it’s required to move to further steps, but I’m sure the training will not be top of the line without it. Even with that steep cost, this is still not a lifetime training membership, only 12-35 weeks are included. At this point I had only paid $600 towards my stores, $34 for my domain and hosting, $47 initial fee, so I immediately requested a refund (which I received in 3 days) because it was not feasible to me to pay that kind of money before I have seen or made any money with my “done-for-me stores”. I knew something was hinky when they were adamant about me filling out a financial evaluation for possible future expenses that you may incur with running a business. I do not consider “future”, in terms of business expenses, 4 days on top of $2500 and you are still responsible for upcoming ad fees, dropshipping fees, and hosting costs. That hole is too deep for me, especially not knowing the potential for the company. I’m not saying it won’t work, it’s a scam, or it’s not right for you-it’s just not right for me. There are other legitimate companies out there that will train you for life and success for substantially less so I prefer to keep searching.

    • Wow Michelle, thanks for sharing your experience in such details, I really appreciate that and I know others will too. The hole is way deeper than I thought too, that’s incredible what these guys are charging.

      Building an online business does NOT need to take thousands of dollars, you could use the business model I use instead that doesn’t need ad budget or pay thousands of dollars to build your own business.

      I have done just that and earning a 4 digit monthly online income without a dime of advertising.

      Learn it all in my free guide here!

      Best of luck to you Michelle,

  6. I also got up to the 6th step and started laughing because I knew there was a catch here. Sounded too good to be true….i don’t have $1997 to play with to just throw like that although I do want to learn how to create a successful online store. This convinced me to get my refund. I have a coach named Johnnie Bowers and she texted me a few hours ago after expressing I do not have that kind of money. I guess that’s the answer to what she was going to tell me about the payment plan. I knew something didn’t seem right about teos guess on online business costs being that I also own a multimedia studio and one of my partners did not spend nearly as much as what he suggested on the web design. And my studios website looks very appealing Anyways I’ll definately check your material out. I am interested!

    • Hi Randall,

      Yeah there are also many others like you as you can tell by the comments here. I’m glad you’ll be getting a refund back.

      That’s great you’ll be checking out my free guide, it’s what I do and explains what I used to make my 4 digit online income every month! 🙂

      It’s the only method that I really love and successful at!

      Best of luck to you in whatever you end up doing! 🙂

  7. Hello Grace, I Paid and enrolled in the program. I paid 2K+ so far. Whatever they said, in the beginning, was not much same later on. So, I decided to cancel it and asked for the refund. They gave me the ticket number and said someone will review my request and assist me. However, right after two days, which is today, I received an email from them stating that my ticket number has been canceled. I must say there is nothing in the training. Before they said they will create two stores in 7-14 days. However, they never do that time; I have to select my niche, selection of product. They also say if you select the right then you can make money. how can you know which is right and which is wrong? you become confused and helpless and they say If you want to get full support from them, then they have the offer of $37,500, 41,000 and on the deal. And they say the results are not guaranteed. So far, I believe, they are just working to sell the dreams which have no base. Maybe $2000 is nothing for someone but it means a lot of money to, dear grace, Is there any way that I can get to refund.

  8. I joined MyEcom and decided to purchase the $1997 package to build out two stores. I looked online on sites like fiverr to see what people were charging to build similar stores out with the products, etc and it was comparable. The time it would have taken me to learn and do that was worth it for me. I’ve owned an insurance school for 30 years so I am very familiar with training and the costs involved. I thought their training was decent and was impressed with the almost overwhelming amount of additional information and resources available in the back office.

    There are 3-4 live hour long training’s each week and they have started doing them on FaceBook live to make it easier to go back and watch. During the live training they answer questions anyone may have. There was an opportunity to buy additional store packages, which included additional training, that I didn’t take advantage of. I thought that would be the end of the one-on-one coaching. But they reached out again and I have another coach that I Skype with at no additional cost.

    With the package I bought for the two stores I also got tickets to a live 3 day training event in Orlando next month.

    I could have spent a lot of time on my own learning this or even bought less expensive training packages. But the $97 a month for all the information I’m getting is worth it to me just in time and aggravation saved by having access to people who can answer my questions when I have them.

    Through the years I have invested in many different online training and/or coaching programs. My E-com has been the most responsive one so far. My time is worth something. If I can pay someone to help reduce the learning curve I figure it’s money well spent.

    • Hi Linda, I’m surprised by your comment as you’re the first one to have a positive experience and I’m glad to hear it. Glad SOMEONE has made this worked. I hope you will continue to have a good experience with them.

      Best of luck to you!

  9. After reading the reviews about MyEcom Club, most of which are negative, I decided to refund the $47 initial fee. I used the phone number and the email address that they gave for cancellation/refund but I couldn’t connect. My emails didn’t go through and the phone number just made me wait for somebody to answer (machine would answer at first) until I gave up waiting for hours each call I made.

    Now, I realized that MyEcom Club is a scam. I regret having joined and paid. It’s good I didn’t bite the $1997 package after the 6th step of training. I hope I can still get my $47.

    • Sorry to hear about your experience. If they claim you can get a refund but can’t, then yeah, doesn’t seem too good of a company to work with right?

      I’m glad you didn’t go for that $2K package because that’s NOT the end of your spendings either if you go for that.

      If you check my free guide here, you’ll find a much cheaper way to really build an online business that can make you 4 figures a month like mine does.

      Best of luck to you,

  10. So glad I read this, this doesn’t seem too good. Isn’t there anything else cheaper? I don’t mind paying but thousands of dollars is a bit steep, and coming from a “free” course to entice us to get to that point to pay that much, smh.

    Linda W.

  11. Grace,
    Well, I’m another person who has signed up with my Ecom club. Not happy with the training, Teo just buzzes through everything like I’m some kind of techy person, can’t keep up. The coach is no help always just says read the next training lesson. got to the step where they want $1997.00 for them to do it all then I started wondering what else was coming so started looking for reviews and found yours. Glad I did, learned more from you and your readers than they ever let me know about in the so called easy way to make a lot of money. I will be trying to get a refund. Thanks.

    • Hi Cliff, Unfortunately, most products like this will tell you how easy it is to make money online. It’s in fact, not that easy at all. It’s a learned skill that you can certainly learn like I did but doing Ecommerce is very tough because you have to constantly promote your shop, which usually costs A LOT of money in the beginning and ongoing since you always have to advertise.

      Unlike what I do, blogging using affiliate marketing, I just earn commissions from recommending products. I made $40K in 2018 without advertising or using a single penny to promote it from just doing that!

      You see, when you learn how to blog to make money, you can have your blog attract it’s own visitors, that’s why I don’t need to pay to promote my site. My site earns on its own.

      Find out here in my money making guide so you can see how it all works and how you can definitely learn this business model and start building yourself.


  12. Ms Grace,

    Joined my-ecom-club about a month ago and according to their sales pitch a refund is available

    within 30 days, am going to pursue that.

    All I did to find your site was google “is my-ecom-club a scam” came to a page,several sites

    clicked on yours and after reading the experiences of the folks you featured, glad I did. I to this

    point have not invested any more money than the basic sign-in fee,but from the begining there

    has been this aching gut feeling that the business was somehow not all the propoganda they

    were making it out to be and the people who have written you prove that.

    Am leaving you my address, is your web site to check out the guide

    you’re offering, cause gonna kill this site after I submit this comment.

  13. Hello, I just started with MyEcom Club but know after reading these reviews of more money being put into it, I don’t exactly have $5,000 laying around. I just want to know how to start an online business

  14. I paid the initial payment. Later on I found out that I needed 2000 dollars. I asked if that’s all that I need to pay. I continue the training and now I’m asked to take out a 40-50 thousand miles dollar loan. There is so much secrecy and lies going on to get you involved. I’m trying to get my money back. Thanks

    • Wow Edwin, thank you for sharing your experience with us. That must be new that 40-50K loan, wow, that’s insane. What was that for I wonder? If you come back Edwin, would love to hear what that loan was for.

      If your business is legitimate, there’s no need to be so secretive about how much things costs and the misleading ways they use to lure you in. Glad you can see their ways.

      I hope you will get your money back.

      Best to you,

  15. Consumer’s Original Complaint with Better Bureau
    I purchased 2 websites as I was led to believe that with a bit of work I could expect a reasonable income but I did not make one dime. It’s a scam.
    On August 9, 2018 I purchased the two website, “Done For You”, package with check #1017 from my Sunmark FCU account for $1997. My Ecom Club stressed that with their constant supervision and support, a person like myself could expect to earn a reasonable, moderate income. I did not expect to get rich or anything outrageous like that, I juat thought that things would go as I was led to believe, namely that if I took the online classes and applied myself, i could expect to earn a moderate income given time. However, They make you sign documents that state you only get 3 days to request a full refund. I wanted to give this a chance to work so for the next year I took their online classes and consulted with their advisers. Because of the constant drain on my limited finances, not only was I not able to open the 2nd website, but the first website never made one thin dime. On August 16, 2019, I contacted their executive offices and demanded an immediate refund. All I got back was an email on the 19th from account manager Denise Pitts saying that they were denying my refund. I am now convinced that My Ecom Club is a scam directed at separating senior citizens like myself from their limited, fixed incomes. Please assist me in obtaining a full refund.

    Consumer’s Desired Resolution:
    I was led to believe that with the coaching and constant support they give you, a person like myself who applied themselves could expect to make a reasonable amount of income over time. However, the contract that they have you sign only gives you 3 days to cancel for a full refund. I now believe that this is a major scam designed to rob senior citizens like myself of the limited funds they have available on a fixed income.

    • Thanks for sharing your experience.

      Learn real online skills instead on this platform that I trained at myself to learn how to earn a full time online income.

      Online skills are what you need to earn online, not set up systems or anything done for you.

      You need to learn how the internet works, how getting visitors work, how to drive free traffic to your offers, etc.

      The place where I trained at, that’s also responsible for my 4 digit online income, is here, click here and I’ll show you more.

      Wish you much success whatever you decide to try next online.



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