Is Wealthy Affiliate Real Or Scam? An Ambassador’s Perspective!

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is Wealthy Affiliate real or scamAre you wanting to start a new journey to make money online with affiliate marketing and checking out Wealthy Affiliate?  Is Wealthy Affiliate real or scam that will just waste your time and money?

I’m glad you’re here today because I’m going to show you how Wealthy Affiliate could help you make many online.

I have a unique view on things because I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for almost 2 years now and have been successful with their training as you will see soon.

The money I earn from my online business is indeed very real so yes, I can answer the above question, Wealthy Affiliate is real for sure and I’ll show you what it’s all about below.

What makes Wealthy Affiliate real is detailed out in the following sections:



Checkout My Latest Results on Wealthy Affiliate For Free:

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Wealthy Affiliate Logo


Program Name: Wealthy Affiliate


Price: Free, $49/Mo or $359/Year

Owners: Kyle Loudon & Carson Lim

Recommended? YES

Wealthy Affiliate is a training platform that teaches you how to use affiliate marketing to build an online business for yourself since year 2005.


Wealthy Affiliate's home page


Many people think affiliate marketing is very easy to do because the concept is simple, you’re earning commissions from driving sales for companies and brands you want to promote, but it’s more involved than most think.

To do affiliate marketing right in a way that earns you a full time income, you will need to learn the basics of blogging, SEO strategies, and much more so that your website is ready to earn.

Some people think they can just grab an affiliate link and just spam social media with it but that doesn’t earn you much or in the long term.

To build this affiliate marketing business, you need comprehensive training like the courses that are available on Wealthy Affiliate.

You will be taught from the very beginning of learning how the process of making money online works to making your first dollar and beyond.

I have reviewed hundreds of other products and systems on my website here as you can see, and I’m telling you that nothing comes close to what’s available at Wealthy Affiliate.

What’s out there instead are way overhyped and misleading products/systems that tell you you could make hundreds or thousands of dollars in your first day, week or month on autopilot like Profit Genesis 2.0, Ecom Cash Code, and Secret Income Club.

These types of products not only never deliver on their overhyped promises but they offer hardly any real training to learn from.  Instead, you often just get generic information about a method.

The reality of making money online is very different from what these products and scams tell you and Wealthy Affiliate will never tell you the things these scammers do.

This is because Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to build something that is for the long run, building authority websites that Google loves, and using affiliate marketing to make money with it.

This also means that this business you’ll be going into will be much more involved than most think and that’s why comprehensive, step-by-step training is vital to the success of your new online journey.




In Summary

Wealthy Affiliate teaches you how to take one of your interests or passions and build an authority site around it.

You’ll learn how to build a blog website that will have content on it that will help others.

If you could find a group of people you could help, that’s called a niche, so you just need a niche to blog about.

You will then learn how to write on your blog using SEO techniques that will get you targeted traffic for free just like the way you landed on my website today and I didn’t have to pay a dime for it.

You’ll learn how to use add affiliate links to your content so when your visitors come on your site and clicks on your links, they’ll take them to the merchant sites that you’re promoting to buy those products.

When your visitors buy that product or service, you will earn a commission.

That’s how this online business works in a nutshell and the training inside is amazing which I’ll go through right now.


The Comprehensive Training

The training in Wealthy Affiliate is comprehensive because it is organized in a way so you will be doing the right things at the right time.

The main course is called Online Entrepreneur Certification course which has 5 Levels and 10 Lessons in each Level.  This course if for anyone who want to pursue their own niche and for any beginner.

Wealthy Affiliate's Online Entrepreneur Certification Course


The second course is called Affiliate Bootcamp and this has 7 levels and 10 Lessons in each Level as well.  This course is for those who want to niche of affiliate marketing and promote Wealthy Affiliate as your main focus.

Affiliate Bootcamp is recommended only if you already know how to earn from affiliate marketing because if you don’t, then it’s hard to convince others to join you at Wealthy Affiliate if you are not already earning and it’s a tougher niche to get into as your first try.

Both courses have tasks at the end of each lesson so you can learn and apply what you learn to your online business right away.

So you’re building your website along with the course, it’s really fun to do this because you can see what you could accomplish with each lesson.


How Much Does Wealthy Affiliate Costs?

They simply have two membership options:

  1. Starter – Free for Life
  2. Premium – $49/month or $359/year (approx under $30/month)

If you go through my sign up links in this post, I could get you $19 for your first month if you upgrade within the first seven days.

Your first seven days, you will get to try some most of the Premium features as well so you can check out the whole platform before you even bring out your credit card.

The Starter Membership gets you a lot:

  • 2 free websites
  • Level 1 of both main courses (20 lessons)
  • Keyword search tool
  • Website builder

Premium memberships will just open up the entire platform for you and the only other cost in the beginning would be having your own domain which you could buy anywhere or you could buy it from Wealthy Affiliate for about $15/year.

The other costs that could come along is just to better your online business and expand your website with features like having a opt-in box for people to get on your email list with or maybe other tools (not available on Wealthy Affiliate) you’d like to use down the road.

The only other thing you can buy at Wealthy Affiliate besides their Premium membership is just the domains, there are no other upsells or hidden costs that I’ve seen in other training programs.


Features Worth Mentioning

There are definitely awesome features to mention here before I close this section and these are features that are for Premiums (some available to Starter as well):

  • Live Chat – get immediate help from the community.
  • Community – get access to industry leaders and experts at your fingertips.
  • Private 1-on-1 Coaching – find out below how you could get a Wealthy Affiliate Ambassador as your coach!
  • Weekly Live Webinars – every Friday, we get a brand new live webinar where we can interact with the webinar host to learn about specific topics for your online business and answer your questions.
  • Highly Secured Web Hosting – you can host your sites right on the platform so your Premium membership includes this cost if you want to host there or you can decide to host your online business somewhere else too.
  • SSL Certificate – this is needed on all sites these days to make your website secure and usually an extra cost elsewhere.
  • Private Registration – you could register your domains with full privacy without revealing your personal information for free, also an extra cost elsewhere.
  • Resources – thousands of tutorials, member trainings, and tips to learn from.

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This really depends on what you’re looking for.

Building ANY business will take time to build, so an online business is no different because not only you’re learning new things which takes time but also Google doesn’t give too much attention to new websites.

So don’t expect much results in your first 6 months, in the next 12 months after that you could start earning something great like I did!

This online business, the way it works, the way Google takes its time to weed out the quitters, is slow and gradual.

You will be depending on search engines to get your traffic from so this will take some time for the search engines to trust your site.

The second factor that you will need to make this work is being able to work on your online business consistently throughout the life of your website, especially the early months when you’re not earning.

If you could spend 15 – 20 hours at week on it, then you’re already in good shape, if you work less, then it’ll take longer, if you work more, then results could come sooner.

Many people quit during those first six months because people don’t understand this business and go into it thinking they will make a lot of money quickly.

Having the right expectations going into this will help you succeed much better!




Thumbs Up

Wealthy Affiliate is certainly real, the money I earn from my website that sits in my bank account is very real!

I joined back in September 2016 and my site is about making money online and helping others avoid scams.

You wouldn’t believe how my income has grown in my journey.  I mean, how slow I earned in the beginning and then how fast the income snowballs.

Now, bear in mind that not all niches will be like this, some can earn earlier than others and again, it depends on how much you work on it, how consistent you are with your online business.

In my first 12 months, I only earned about $483 in total!  I finally reached 3 digits on that 12th month. LOL

Then 7 months later I reached 4 digits!  That was only back in March, 2018.

Since then, I’ve been earning 4 digits and it has only grown, check out my July’s $4.4K here:


July 2018 Results
Click Image For Full Story


It has been a wild ride indeed, with tons of work put into my website here on a consistent basis and I haven’t slowed down too much all this time, my results speak for themselves.

Looking back, it doesn’t feel like it has been that long but I know when I was going through that first year, it was very tough, I’m not going to lie.

But, that is the beauty of having community support which is priceless!

I was able to ask all my questions to the community and never once did I not get an answer!

The result is rewarding and well worth it because my online business (a very valuable asset I’ve built) is literally making me money when I work, eat, or play.

It’s been an amazing experience and I haven’t hit 2 years yet as of this post, just under a month away!  I am looking forward to being there for many more years to come.

The Wealthy Affiliate platform has been very real for me and not even remotely close to what the definition of a scam is.

Not just for me, but for many members on Wealthy Affiliate, their training is responsible for many changed lives for the better because we have learned how to build an affiliate marketing online business!

There’s no reason why you can’t too, especially if you could get MY help!  Find out below…



You will have the help of the community at Wealthy Affiliate but what if you got a dedicated coach to be able to help you whenever you had a question?

Offer you advice without you asking for it when I see you’re going in the wrong direction or tell you things to beware of if you do this or that?

This is advice that is highly valuable from a person who is earning money from the very training you’re going to be using yourself and a person that is also an Ambassador!


My WA Profile Shows I'm Rank 10 & Ambassador


Yes, I’ve (aka ‘littlemama‘) been a Wealthy Affiliate Ambassador for 180 days as of this post and counting.

To be an Ambassador, a member needs to be active on the platform in the form of blogging direct on there, creating training, helping others, and helping on live chat.

The program is focused on a paying it forward community where we help each other knowing we will be helped just as well if we also need help.

So as your activity increases on the platform, your Rank rises and you have to be ranked in the Top 25 to be an Ambassador.

There is no monetary benefit to this status,  not yet anyway, but just to show how active a member has been on the platform, it also doesn’t necessary mean all Ambassadors make money from their projects, some are, some aren’t.

Well, you can see that I’m one of the Ambassadors that do make money and I’ve been bouncing between Rank 8-13, as of this post, I’m Rank 10 (seen in above image).

I’m on Wealthy Affiliate several times a day, everyday, so don’t you worry that I won’t answer your questions, I will.

If you are still on the shelf about joining this great platform, that’s okay, there’s more details in my free guide here.

Otherwise, there’s no more time to waste if you really want to do this, let your journey start today!


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If you have any questions or thoughts regarding is Wealthy Affiliate real or scam, or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now




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