5 Side Hustle Jobs That Pay You Fast! Easy Ways To Get Paid In A Week!

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5 Side Hustle Jobs That Pay You Fast!Do you need money fast? Do you want to get paid in a week? 

Do you need some extra cash at the end of the week for yourself? 

I think I can help you with that!

I will list you 5 side hustle jobs that pay you fast and some easy ways to get paid in a week!

If you read till the end of my article, I will also show you how you can turn one of these ideas into a full online business of your own.

You can start with side hustles to earn some quick money but ultimately if you read till the end I will reveal how you can make money online.

So without further ado, let’s get into it:






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How To Work For Handy

Handy is a site found at handy.com where you can get services done for you. 

It does not matter if it is at home or the office, people who need help either doing general house cleaning work, putting together furniture, mounting things on the wall, etc.

There are even options for home improvement projects.

If you are a person who can provide these kinds of services, go to their website and click on the top right corner which says ‘Become A Pro’. 

So you click on that and sign up to become one of these service providers.

You can make up to $22/hour as a cleaner and $45/hour as a handyman. They also mention on the site that their top professionals earn more than $1000/week.

Approximately $1000/week is actually a good amount of earning, you can do this as not just a side hustle if this is something that you want to do in the future steadily.

It has a flexible schedule, so you can keep your routine how you like it and add a few jobs, just the way you want to.

They also provide really easy payments, it is directly deposited into your bank account shortly after the work is done.

So this is actually a great way to get paid fast.

There are two main requirements you need to start working at Handy:

  • Experience: For you to work there you must have paid experience in cleaning or handyman services.
  • Customer Service Skills: You are representing the Handy brand so they would like to make sure that you can deal with customers properly.





You Can Also Work For Takl

Takl is a similar website as Handy, you can find this site at takl.com.

They offer a myriad of services such as assembling, cleaning, house-keeping, pet care, painting, moving, lawn and yard work, delivery and courier, etc.

Again, if you are good at any of these above-mentioned skills, just go to the site and click on ‘Become A Provider’.

The site is also available all over the USA and they are expanding into more locations.

There is also an option to earn by referring the site to other people.

You have to get the app that is available in both the IOS and Google Play app stores, and sign up by completing the 5 steps listed below: 

  1. Register: Giving them your basic information.
  2. Select Skills: There are 12 categories that you can choose from to let them know what skills you are good at.
  3. Online Orientation: This will help you get a better knowledge of the business and the app.
  4. Bank Account Information: This is needed for the direct deposits, that is how they are going to pay you.
  5. Background Checks: They will do a background check on you so the signing up process may take a few days. 

This is a good company to sign up with because they invest a lot in marketing on their brand. I have actually seen them on TV.

They get a lot of customers this way, so they need a high number of providers and this is a great way to make money quickly.



How To Work For Lyft

Lyft is no stranger to the market, I am sure a lot of you already know about this business.  

You can find this site at lyft.com.

Lyft is a service that you can use nowadays, instead of taxis, people are using Lyft to get rides from location A to B, as it is cheaper than taxis in most areas.

So if you have a car and you are not using it for your own use, you can start giving people rides and earning this way.

People make a decent amount of money doing this and it is available in a high number of cities in the US.

This is definitely an option and you can get paid really quickly and you earn from tips as well.

Also, it is a great way to use your car if you are not using it for yourself.

You can make about $18-$22 per hour in Lyft.

But you should also take into consideration that you are going to have expenses such as oil and maintenance of the car which will normally come out to around $3-$5 per hour, so still, you make a good amount of money even after deducting this amount.





Uber Is Another Good Option

Another company that does exactly what Lyft does is Uber. 

You can find the site at uber.com

In my opinion, Uber is actually a little bit better program than Lyft as they provide two kinds of services, you can be a driver or you can deliver food.  

Their food delivery service is called Uber Eats.

They even give you an approximate of how much you can earn such as if you do 400 trips within 90 days, you can earn at least $2500.

You can actually look up your city on the website and they will give you an approximate number of how much you can earn and the rates in that city.

You can have an idea of how lucrative can working for Uber be for you.

Furthermore, it is flexible so you can set your own hours. 

You get paid fast and you can also choose how you want to get paid. 

You have to have all the documents such as registration, tax documents, and insurance for your vehicle that you will be using and of course, a valid driver’s license and these are the main requirements to work for Uber.

If you decide to work for Uber Eats, you do not even need a car, you can actually start delivering food with a bike.



Work For Rover

Rover is a pet sitting service website, found at rover.com

This is a website I personally use all the time because I have dogs and I really trust this website because they have reviews of their dog sitters. 

And as a pet sitter yourself, you can earn about $1000/month and this is a good way to make quick money because when people book these services they are going to pay Rover and Rover will pay you as soon as you are done.

The steps to sign up for this website are as follows:

  • Create Your Profile: This will showcase the information that pet parents care about so it will make it easier for them to choose you.
  • Accept Requests: You tell us the type of dogs that you want to care for and you make your own schedule.

Payments will be ready for withdrawal, 2 days after you have provided a service.

One tip that I have for you to get clients easily is that you can set your price a bit lower than what is normally charged in your area. 

I normally always go for the lower ones because some of them can charge quite high.

And if you are a dog lover or a cat lover this is a really fun way to earn some quick money.

They are so many different services that you can choose to provide such as you can do dog boarding which means you can keep a dog at your house, you can do dog walking and dog daycare also house sitting.

Now, if you are interested in working for Rover, it is time for me to introduce the idea of turning this love for pets into an online business. 

You can actually make a website of your own where you talk about pets and make that your niche. It could be about dog grooming, it can be about anything regarding dogs or any other pets that you like.

But how do you make money with this? 

You are going to be using affiliate marketing which is basically earning commissions by promoting other people’s products. 

You can monetize by recommending products on your website with affiliate products in your content.

Then, when people click on your affiliate links and go buy what you recommended, you get a cut and that is how you will make money with your website.

If you are interested in learning more about this, keep reading. To use this business model you have to learn about it properly and online training will be the best for you, the same online training that I used.



Where I Got The Training To Set Up My Online Business

Like I mentioned above, I have an affiliate marketing online business but I definitely needed training to learn how to start this.

When I started this business model in 2016, I had no clue what I had to do and I wanted to find the best step-by-step training to learn from that showed me in detail how to do everything.

I was finally able to find something that not only helped me build my online business and this website you’re on now, Work Anywhere Now, but they trained me so well I became a Super Affiliate.

This kind of business will take a little while to build, as it is still a business after all, and if you build it according to this training, your business will be able to attract its own visitors and make money on autopilot.

But, remember this will take time and consistency to be successful.

I strongly believe if I can do it, you can do it too!

This will not only give you an online income but also give you a passive online income stream, in this way you will basically also be earning in your sleep too.

So what are you waiting for? Click on the free guide below so you can learn more about this program from me: 


This is what I do online and what makes me a full-time online income every single month and you can learn from the exact training I used and still use today.


If you have any questions or thoughts regarding 5 side hustle jobs that pay you fast or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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