Builderall Review (2019): Digital Marketing On Steroids!

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Builderall Review - Digital Marketing On Steroids!Do you believe that there is such a place where you can have everything you need to succeed in your business online?

If there is, it should be very expensive, right? Or, at least comparable to Clickfunnels right? (hint: wrong!)

This costs HALF of Clickfunnels and has even more digital marketing tools!  Yes, it’s called Builderall and I will tell you all about it in my Builderall review below.

If you’ve been in online marketing for a short period, you know how many services, tools, and plugins are available out there. You possibly use between 5 and 10 at any point in time.

Not only it is annoying to switch between one tool for SEO, another for email marketing, another to help for website design, and over to another one for SEO again, but it’s also quite costly. Using a lot of tools costs both money and time.

When I first laid my eyes on Builderall, my face lit up. Finally, here’s a platform that’s been wisely made for busy digital marketers and online business people. They essentially took all the tools we use to run our businesses on a day to day basis and combined them into one.

Let me inform you what is Builderall all about, how it helps your online business, and provide you with more details of this helpful tool in the following sections:


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In a nutshell, Builderall is a powerful aid to entrepreneurs and businesses who bring their ideas to life by having the most complete digital online business builder and marketing platform on the internet.

It is the most complete platform for your business on the market today. It brings all the tools you’ll need to have the top results and a completely automated digital marketing system all in one place for the best price.


Builderall Home Page


In the online world today, your success relies on using the right digital marketing tools and creating your online presence.

All entrepreneurs and small business owners should be able to know how to manage their online presence, marketing, and sales process. However, managing all those pieces and delivering your product can be time-consuming.

That’s why Builderall has established the most complete and easy-to-use digital marketing platform.

Now, you can bring your ideas to life, convey your message to thousands of people, sell your products, bring customers to your doorstep, and more.

With Builderall, you can create with a simple test website and build it out to a platform with the most advanced and refined sales funnel which equipped with dozens of features.

Builderall has the right solution for all small business owners who want to be great entrepreneurs, digital marketing professionals, coaches, designers, service providers, networking professionals, web agencies, and a lot more.




If you have an online business, you need a digital marketing tool to help you promote your business.

Whether it’s an email automation tool to keep in touch with your customers and soon-to-be customers, a sales page to promote your products to social media fans, or a sales funnel creation so you can turn strangers into potential followers, you need various tools to help you do this and Builderall has it all on one platform.

Builderall also gives business owners, entrepreneurs, and anybody with a need to promote their business online the chance to build websites, create landing pages, create apps, design and build sales funnels, generate automated email campaigns, build membership sites, run courses, have Facebook integration, and a lot more to offer – all for the low cost in each month of subscription.


Builderall Dashboard


Besides from providing a variety of tools to use, there are also over 400 training videos which will help even the beginners to get started with Builderall platform.

Here are the different Builderall platform tools to make your business more productive:

  • Drag and Drop Website Builders (both pixel perfect and responsive) – You can create great looking websites, landing pages, sales pages and other pages of your online marketing without having any code or have any special technical knowledge on it.

You’re able to build it with their Pixel Perfect builder or the Responsive builder, each giving you more customizations on the look of your sites or sales funnels for desktop, tablet, and mobile.

  • Sales Funnel Builder – It creates sales and marketing funnels to help build relationships with prospects by offering you tons of templates. The templates offer you a quick start as well as the types of funnels you want to build like lead magnet funnel, sales letter funnel, and webinar funnels to name a few.
  • App Builder – This is to create apps for yourself or for others having the app building tool. If you are looking to add more sales stream to your business online, this is definitely something to consider in reaching your marketing goals.
  • Email Autoresponder Tool – To generate automated email campaigns using the built-in email automation tool called MailingBoss or you can also combine your existing one, if you have campaigns that are already set up elsewhere.  With MailingBoss, your email list can grow as big as you want without having the price increase, so your monthly rate includes unlimited subscribers to your list.
  • Facebook Integration – The Facebook integration tool is to help you create a chatbot for your Facebook messages so you can send and respond to messages, and get leads automatically.
  • Script Generator – If you are not sure what to say in your emails or promotional campaigns, the script generator of Builderall will help you to get started.
  • Design Studio – To quickly create mockups of your products and services with the design studio.
  • Videos Tool – This is a very cool feature of Builderall where you can easily create your own animated video to promote your business or create floating videos where your video will continue playing in a corner while they scroll down your sales page.
  • Webinar –  You’re able to create live webinars to educate your audience with and/or webinar sales funnels which has been a very effective way  to generate leads these days.
  • E-Learning – A platform to build your own course to either market for free or sell as your own product.
  • Build Your Own Affiliate Program – Marketplace is where you can build your own affiliate program for you to sell your products through paying affiliates to sell for you.

It’s really amazing how much you can do on this one platform, you will also be able to use custom domains for your sales funnels and websites that you build on there.

Many of those tools listed are definitely features you would need to pay separately if you didn’t have Builderall.  I’m sure many of you already do that currently, including myself before I joined Builderall that is.

You are able to manage your entire business on Builderall, from one platform!


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Builderall MenuSince Builderall has lots of tools and functions to offer, it’s essentially suitable for a wide range of audience, such as for…

  • Newbies – Anyone who has zero or no experience in a digital marketing platform as they have tons of tutorials to teach you.
  • Affiliate Marketers – These are persons who earn commission through promoting other people’s products and services, so having sales funnels is a must.
  • Product Creators – They are marketers who want to sell their own products online for both physical and digital platforms.  Having such a platform will give them ways to market and sell.
  • Bloggers – For them to promote their blog posts online and add sales funnels to their blogs as well.
  • Small Business Owners – They can be people who want to create and build a website for their local business, add an affiliate program, or create better sales funnels to capture leads.
  • Digital Marketing Agencies – To help other people for website building and marketing, and;
  • Work From Home Folks – Anyone who wants to make money online as Builderall has an outstanding affiliate program which is discussed more below.

For those marketers who already have their own websites, Builderall serves as an extension to their business.  You can connect subdomains to any new sales funnels you want to add to your current website so you can still take advantage of the sales funnels and the many other tools that are in Builderall for your existing business.

Builderall can be integrated with quite a number of third-party software and tools as well, but you do have to consider you will need to stick to this platform as the funnels cannot be exported out and keep paying its monthly or yearly fees if you want your sales funnels to keep running.

So, if you happen to be a marketer who doesn’t have a website yet and want to create one for your online business, Builderall is an even better fit for you just because you can just do it all on one platform.




There are 3 different pricing options in Builderall: Web Presence, Digital Marketing, and Builderall Business.

So here are Builderall monthly pricing options:

  1. Web Presence – It costs $9.90 USD per month for the website presence only, meaning you won’t get apps, MailingBoss, and you can only connect one domain with no SSL.
  2. Digital Marketing – Get all the tools you need to succeed online for only $29.90 USD per month – Sales Funnels and website builder, connect up to 15 domains, SSL, MailingBoss, but no webinar tool, no FB chatbot app, no affiliate program and no Marketplace where you can create your own affiliate program.
  3. Builderall Business – Get this for only $49.90 USD per month and you will unlock the whole enchilada (the entire platform)!  You will get the entire platform, all the tools, all the apps, as well as a membership area where you can create your own course as well.

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To be honest, the prices mentioned are actually very reasonable and affordable for most of the online marketers, especially for those beginners.

But, what’s the catch?

Builderall is offering lots of main features in their platform and they’re only charging you like $10 per month? Or even $50 per month? That’s a bit crazy deal!

Like I have mentioned earlier, there’s a problem called the “Platform Lock-in” issue. What this really means, you are indirectly required to keep paying the recurring fee in order for you to continue running your business in this platform.

It is also pretty hard and difficult for you to switch to another platform if you don’t know how to build your website or sales funnels without their tools.

Therefore, they’re keen to charge you a very cheap price so you can affordably stay on their platform to do your business on.




There are many hours of training materials on the Builderall platform for you to learn how to do things and use their tools and apps .

Some things are easy to understand but their tutorials make it even easier to navigate the platform and learn how to use their tools to build the pages you want.

Even though it’s all just point and click with no coding involved, you still need to know how to edit the templates and make your site do certain functions.

The amount of tutorials and courses I’ve seen inside is really comprehensive and if you want to know how to do something, you just search it in the help tool.

They even have training to help you promote Builderall which I’ll go through next but they have a specific training made by a top affiliate which is only available to those who are connected with the 90 day Challenge.

The Builderall 90 day training course is a fast-track learning module to get you to the level of making $1000 to $2000 a month in as fast as a 3-month time frame.

You need to take action, work smart, have the right tools and put in the hard work. Results vary on each individual. No matter how long it takes, keep crushing until you meet your goals.

In Builderall, you get all the digital marketing tools from a single dashboard. You can use the MailingBoss to build your email marketing list. You have lots of money-making sales funnels.

You have an opportunity to grow, together with a young and growing company that keeps getting better and better.

This 90-day challenge is straight directly from the marketing director of Builderall. You get to use the same approaches as the top affiliate marketers do.

The pay is awesome. Once you’re inside, check your income calculator and start setting your goals to reach your desired income.

Once you have completed the 90-day challenge training, there are more advanced courses already lined up for you.

The Builderall goal is to help you succeed. You should get into a routine and establish a schedule so you can stay on track. Stop watching, you have to take action.


(Includes 7 day Free Trial & Free Training)




The only way to take advantage with the Builderall affiliate program is with the Builderall Business plan where they pay 100% commissions on your initial sales, plus a 30% monthly 2 tier recurring commissions.

So if you get someone to sign up to a plan, you will get 100% commission on that first sale and if they stay on, you will get 30% of their recurring fee, plus if they end up having an affiliate under them, you also make 30% commissions on those sales too.


Builderall 2 tier affiliate program is amazing


Then on top of it, if you hit a 100 sales, they will pay you $500 a month for your car allowance.  It doesn’t stop there, if you hit 200 sales, then you will get $1,000 per month for a new car lease!

People are getting into the action because they are making money. You want to get paid fast and earn cash on the people you bring in.

You can make a lifetime income using the Builderall affiliate marketing program. There’s no experience needed, you just learn everything as you earn.

Look no further. You have slipped on one of the best highest paying affiliate marketing programs you will ever find. The Builderall digital marketing platform is filled with all the tools you need to start your digital marketing venture.

You can launch your local market while you’re learning how to use the system and its tools. That way, you can acquire the knowledge which you need to start in making the money you’re longing.

If you already have the skills, then start using the money-making sales funnels to make that money rolling in.

How much are you spending on your marketing tools like, hosting, email marketing tools, and sales funnels? At least a $100, right.

Or possibly $200 or $300 if you’re really getting into it. You can save enormous monthly cash just by becoming a Builderall affiliate under the Builderall Business plan.

Now, if you’re here to learn on how to make those two-tier affiliate marketing commissions, then I really encourage you to take the 90-Day Challenge free training so you can start making money today!


(Includes 7 day Free Trial & Free Training)


With the Builderall Business plan, they offer you every tool they have and the 2 tier affiliate marketing commissions.




Thumbs UpBuilderall is an excellent choice for both new and experienced affiliate marketers, internet marketers, business owners, digital marketing agencies, and anyone who does business online.

If you’re a newbie, you can get started with a test website and have access to all the tools that can help you grow into a marketer of your chosen market.

Your site will be powered by the most advanced sales funnel and equipped with all the features you’ll need to succeed online.

For those internet marketing veterans, you’ll be able to select the right package to address your needs while leaving the room to expand as your empire grows.

If you want to take advantage of this ultimate all-in-one marketing platform, don’t wait, take action today and start making money!

If you want to own your very own money making asset, then start building your future today!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding my Builderall review or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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