Do You Need a Website to Do Affiliate Marketing? Let’s Find Out!

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Do You Need a Website to Do Affiliate Marketing? “Do you need a website to do affiliate marketing?” This is a question I’ve been asked a lot of times. I think it’s because they believe it’s hard to build one.

Some think that creating a website requires skills and a bachelor’s degree in a computer course.

Well, you don’t.

It’s actually easy to make one. You can have a working website in just a few minutes. However, the hard part is making it useful for you to earn money online.

Affiliate marketing is basically referral marketing with commissions. When you refer a new client to a business that runs an affiliate program and they buy something, you make money.

For instance, let’s say you’re an Amazon affiliate and you promote a particular ebook. When a person buys that ebook through your affiliate link, Amazon will pay you a specific percentage of that sale.

So, to answer the question, “Do you need a website to do affiliate marketing?”

No, you don’t technically need one, but it’s highly recommended that you build one.

Many affiliate marketers are skeptic about running their own websites. Some of them are not confident enough that they could manage their own website; while others still want to test the waters to see if affiliate marketing is really for them.

I totally get it, which is why I’m going to share with you some methods on how you can still earn as an affiliate marketer without a blog website.



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1) Social Media Platforms

This approach offers you the most choices to earn money without a blog or website.

Social media platforms include Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Reddit, Google+, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Many of these channels will allow you to put your affiliate links on your profiles, posts, and comments.

It’s imperative that you learn the marketing rules of each platform. I know the content is long and tiring to read, but you need to understand their guidelines and policies.


Man on laptop with blue tool icons in background


I came across a lot of concerns on Facebook alone about having their accounts suspended or banned for violating their rules. Time is of the essence, and problems like this will cost you a lot (which could be avoided in the first place).

Always keep in mind that you’re not the owner of these platforms. You’re a visitor, and you must abide by their rules.

You can promote and sell your products on social network channels, but it mustn’t be your first goal. You must earn their trust first. Focus on adding value to the community and offer help whenever possible.

Word travels fast in social networks, so you can definitely build an online presence there.


2) Affiliate Products Through PPC Advertisements

Some PPC (pay-per-click) ad channels allow affiliate marketers to make advertisements that will directly land on affiliate marketing sites, which is essentially direct linking from ads.

It may sound that this is the most straightforward approach to get paid online, but it’s not necessarily correct. The PPC arena is highly competitive, and it requires almost constant tracking, testing, and modifying to make it rewarding.

As well, you will need to have a budget in place to buy those ads with.  Lots of times, you need to spend quite a bit of money to find out which ads are the winners and losers.

So lots of testing is involved to make paid traffic work for you, I would avoid this if you’re a beginner.


3) Forums and Blog Comments

This classic technique might still work; but with the recent strategies being developed, it’s quite a difficult path to online victory.

This method mainly involves posting feedback and comments on third-party forums and blogs and including your affiliate link in your signature.

Sadly, it’s not as effective as it used to be since a lot of blog owners won’t allow this as well as forums, and might not be an ideal first option for your affiliate marketing journey.


RELATED: How Fast Can You Make Money With Affiliate Marketing


4) Reviews On Classified Ad Sites

Classifieds sites allow affiliate marketers to sell anything online. The most famous among them is Craigslist. However, there’s a bunch of them like eBay, Geebo, Yakaz, and Recycler.

Create brief info and reviews for your affiliate products and then post them with your affiliate link. But, like other sites, be familiar with their rules to avoid getting banned.


5) An E-Book To Promote

Another strategy to promote your products is through creating your own ebook. It must contain useful information about a hot topic that people are interested in learning more.

Include your affiliate link on your ebook, which you can even use to start making your own private list on your subject.

Sell your ebook on platforms like eBay and Clickbank. Or, you can offer it as a bonus or gift on your social media accounts or subject-related third-party channels.

Excellent choices, aren’t they? But, is there a more efficient approach?

Read on…


RELATED: List of Top Affiliate Products to Promote and Earn From!




Even though you don’t technically need a website to earn in affiliate marketing, it’s still the best method for this kind of business. If you check out top affiliate marketers making full income or more, you will see that they have their own websites.

You don’t have to be frightened about building one. Remember when I said that it’s easy to make a website in minutes? I wasn’t exaggerating.

You can find various online programs that can help you in setting up your site, and will even provide you with training and courses to enhance your skills and help you with your campaign.


Why Having a Website is Essential to Affiliate Marketing

  • You will have a bigger online presence
  • Your website could attract its own visitors if you know how to build it right
  • A website allows you to create tons of content on it
  • Content also equals gaining trust with your visitors if that content is helpful & valuable
  • The more content = The more traffic
  • The more traffic = The more money you earn
  • You can earn from multiple streams of income with a website

When I began my journey, I was completely clueless about what needs to be done and where I should start. I tried to do it on my own. I failed miserably.

I didn’t have any experience experience with affiliate marketing. My knowledge about SEO and web hosting was so limited. You can imagine how disastrous it was.

But, I did not give up, and you shouldn’t, too!

That’s why you should learn how to properly build an affiliate marketing business with a comprehensive training platform, that’s what I did and it made a world of difference.

I was able to make $40K in 2018 with this training platform here, you see all the details in that link of what this training platform is and what’s it all about.

I’m planning to make 6 figures in 2019.



Affiliate marketing will remain one of the most dependable ways to making a recurring passive income online. However, it has become more challenging as competition continues to grow each day. But, with the right mindset and approach, success can be done.

It will demand a lot of your effort when you’re just starting. But, you can eventually outsource most of the work in the future so you can focus on other things.

The main steps to help you kickoff your website are:

  1. Select a niche for your site,
  2. Begin producing content for your chosen niche
  3. Attract visitors from your content
  4. Make money with your affiliate links

Those are the high level 4 steps you take to building an affiliate marketing business but there are tons to learn in between all those steps so you will need comprehensive training like the one I use if you want to do this right.

You will waste a lot of time without proper training and then you’ll just quit because you’ll think it won’t work.

The training platform I use don’t even need your credit card to get started, it’s free to sign up so you can see what’s there and available before you upgrade so you can get the rest of the training.

The free membership allows you to get 2 free websites as well as first 10 lessons free so you can test it out which is very cool of them!


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Do you need a website to do affiliate marketing?

Well.. you can still earn money if you choose not to have a website for your affiliate marketing business. There is a handful of options for passive income as an affiliate marketer.


All I know is that if you don’t build an online asset like a website or a YouTube channel, then you’re stuck with paying for ads or always going out to get your sales instead of people coming to you.

If you have to consider all options, having your own website is the best method for this business.

If you want to own your very own money making asset, then start building your future today!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether you need a website or not to do affiliate marketing or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now


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