FAQs On How To Make Money As An Amazon Affiliate And Work From Home

This post may contain affiliate links for more info visit my disclosure page.

FAQs On How To Make Money As An Amazon AffiliateAre you looking to work from home and make money as an Amazon affiliate?

A lot of people could only dream of working from home but with affiliate marketing programs like Amazon’s Associates Program, this dream is a reality for so many affiliate marketers.

This article will go over how you can make money with Amazon’s affiliate program and I will go over some of the common questions that you may have.

I have been using affiliate marketing since 2016 and the benefits of working from home outweighs all the learning you need to succeed in affiliate marketing.

After I go over the FAQs of the Amazon Associates Program, then I will show you how to succeed with it as well as what secret tool I’ve been using to make it in affiliate marketing.

Without further ado I will start with the most frequently asked questions!

  1. How Do I Sign Up To Become An Amazon Affiliate?
  2. Is Amazon Affiliate Free?
  3. How Does The Amazon Associates Program Work?
  4. How Long Do Amazon Links Last?
  5. How Do You Get Paid As An Amazon Affiliate?
  6. Can You Become An Amazon Affiliate Without A Website?
  7. What Percentage Or Commissions Do Amazon Affiliates Make?
  8. How Does An Amazon Affiliate Website Work To Make Money?
  9. What Tips To Make An Amazon Affiliate Blog Website A Success?
  10. Could I Get Free Affiliate Marketing Coaching?



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1. How Do I Sign Up To Become An Amazon Affiliate?

Amazon Associates Program's home page

  1. Go to affiliate-program.amazon.com
  2. Click on the “Join now for free” button
  3. Sign in or create a new account
  4. Submit Payee information
  5. Fill out your Profile next
  6. Complete the Identity Verification requirements
  7. Congrats! You’ve signed up to Amazon’s Associates Program!


2. Is Amazon Affiliate Free?

Yes, it certainly is, if you just follow the steps I laid out above, you’ll be able to become an Amazon Affiliate pretty quickly and easily.


3. How Does The Amazon Associates Program Work?

  1. You first sign up as their affiliate per first question above.
  2. Create affiliate links to the products that you want to promote in your Amazon Associates dashboard.
  3. Promote your affiliate links through social media, online forums, paid ads, mobile app, or website.
  4. When someone clicks on your affiliate and BUYS something on Amazon.com, you will earn a commission.
  5. They pay out your commission after 60 days.
  6. You will be paid by check or direct deposit.


4. How Long Do Amazon Links Last?

The cookie for an Amazon affiliate link is 24 hours but if your visitor was able to put it in their shopping cart within that time frame, your cookie will last 90 days!

That’s a huge difference and offers you a way to really earn that commission hopefully when they end up buying with so many days.

Here’s a WordPress plugin that I found that could put the products that your visitor clicks to add them automatically into their shopping cart: EasyAzon v4!

This plugin not only adds Amazon products to your affiliate website very easily but you will have this option to add the products to your visitors’ shopping carts and increase your Amazon commissions chances by 89 days for a full 90 day cookie!

It’s a very popular WordPress plugin and used by many Amazon affiliates, check it out here!


5. How Do You Get Paid As An Amazon Affiliate?

You will get paid by check through regular mail and if you’re in the United States, you can get direct deposit to your bank account.

There is a minimum for each method: Check is minimum $100 and direct deposit is minimum $10.

I believe the other countries are also going to be a manual check that will be issued but please reference your own countries payment method to affiliates, I’m not signed up to every country available so check in your Amazon affiliate account.

There is a hold on commissions for 6o days though so what you earn in Oct will be paid in Dec if it meets the cutoff.

Also, if you don’t meet the minimum, then your balance will just roll over to the next month until you hit their minimum threshold to be paid out.


6. Can You Become An Amazon Affiliate Without A Website?

There are reports out there online that claim that you can do Amazon Associates program without a website and that is not true.


Amazon Sign up Form


As you can see in the about image which was taken at the time of this post, you will see an asterisk where it says “Enter Your Website(s)*” which means this is a required field so you must have a website to become an Amazon affiliate.

You can certainly use a mobile app too but a website is certainly required.

That doesn’t mean you can’t promote your Amazon affiliate links anywhere else, you can promote your affiliate links without your website and also promote on any future websites, but in the sign up process, this is required that you sign up with at least one website to start with.

As you have more websites, you do have to register and add each new one you use for the Amazon affiliate program.


7. What Percentage Or Commissions Do Amazon Affiliates Make?

You can earn from 0% to 10% and it’s now based on product category.

It used to be based on the volume of sales that you bring to Amazon, like the more sales you get the higher your commission rate increases, but their commission structure changed back in 2017, read it here.

Here is the most current commission rates which they call “Fixed Standard Program Fee Rates”:

Amazon Commission Rates (Advertising Fees)

It appears they have made the least popular categories (Amazon Fashion Women, Men & Kids Private Label, Luxury Beauty, Amazon Coins) to be their highest commission rate at 10%.

The most popular categories like Toys, Computers, Video Games, and TVs to be the lowest percentages at 3% and under.

There are some good categories at 8% though like these ones: Furniture, Home, Home Improvement, Lawn & Garden, Pets Products, and Pantry.

Majority of the products offered will be in the 4 – 5% range but the advantage to this program is that you will earn on ALL products bought on Amazon even if you didn’t promote it, you just had to bring them to Amazon.com and they buy within 24 hours.

If you’re wondering if any Amazon affiliates make good money doing this full time, then you should check this post here and my 2 year results affiliate marketing business will be shown below.


8. How Does An Amazon Affiliate Website Work To Make Money?

The best way to be successful with affiliate marketing and with Amazon’s affiliate program is by using a website but not just any website, a blog website.

Why that is, is because you’re not just going to list a bunch of Amazon products on your website.

No, that’s not how it works and a lot of people getting into thinks that’s all there is to it is build a website and then just slap some Amazon products on it and they wonder why they get no sales and then also say that affiliate marketing does work or that Amazon Associates program sucks.

No, none of it sucks actually, and people are able to make 4 – 5 figures a month easily from promoting Amazon’s products on their blog websites.

To be successful with Amazon’s Associates Program, you need to understand the essence of affiliate marketing which is to help people in a specific niche.

Think about all the people out there searching for things on search engines.

They are all looking for something that answers their questions or help solve their problem. You want your website to show up on the first page of search engines like Google so you can answer those questions for those people who are searching.

That’s why a blog website is the best way to go so you can rank for these spots on Google’s first page of results but it’s not as easy as it sounds.

A blog provides search engines with new content to index on a regular basis and search engines love content.

They want to know which blog has the best content to show their searchers.

That is where you come in and if your blog has one of the best content or best value you can provide that best match the intent of the searcher than you’ll be placed nicely on Google’s first page results.

When you can provide valuable information to people, you will earn trust. When you earn trust, people are more likely to click on your affiliate links.

Sure you can use other ways to promote your affiliate links but they either don’t make you very much with those other “easier” methods, or you will have to invest a lot in paid advertising.

Most bloggers who make money from Amazon’s affiliate program don’t need to advertising because they get all their visitors from search engines so that’s all free traffic.

Like my site here you’re on, I don’t use Amazon’s affiliate program that much yet, but I use other affiliate programs and I get 40K – 45K visitors a month without paying a single cent for it. This kind of traffic makes me a consistent 4 digit online income monthly.

That’s the power of a website but you need to know how to build it properly and all the know-how of what to do.

Everything from knowing how to install WordPress onto your website to laying down its foundation, to doing keyword research, to how to write, to how to link your text and images, to making money.

The best way to learn it all like I did is use an affiliate marketing training platform like Wealthy Affiliate (review here), who are the leaders in the industry by far.

I’ve been there since 2016 and their comprehensive training is very easy to follow as it’s all step-by-step learning with text lessons as well as video lessons.

You’ll also get business tools like SiteBuilder to build your site in under a minute that automatically installs WordPress for you, and Jaaxy, a keyword research tool, plus many other features that you need to see.

I have the full details about Wealthy Affiliate here in my free guide on how to make money online.

I haven’t even told you the best part yet though, you can sign up to Wealthy Affiliate for FREE!

They have 2 memberships, a free-for-life Starter and a Premium membership ($49/month or $359/year), and the Starter membership is a way for you to see how it works inside, see how the courses are, and get a feel for the awesome environment inside.

Your Starter membership even comes with 2 free websites, 10 free lessons, and business tools to use.

This is where I started affiliate marketing and I would not be successful with my website if it wasn’t for their training that is spot on.

However, you must understand that this is a business you’ll be building so it will take some time for you to learn all the things needed to run a successful affiliate marketing business.

Which brings me to….


9. What Tips To Make An Amazon Affiliate Blog Website A Success?

Amazon Is Very Strict with their Rules

Do not try to buy from your own Amazon affiliate links.  This is not allowed and this also extend out to your friends and family they somehow know about or have ways to find out how they are related to you.

Make sure you read their affiliate programs terms and conditions, or policies, and understand what you are and aren’t allow to do.

For your affiliate links, you cannot cloak them.  You must use affiliate links as they are and can’t have other redirecting of other links to your Amazon affiliate links.

Your readers must know they will be clicking on an Amazon affiliate link.

Make sure you have your Amazon’s specific affiliate disclosure on your website that’s viewable on all pages so that means you need to have it on the sidebar, or footer, or header, or use a plugin like Ad Inserter that allows you to show a certain message on each post or page or both, etc how and where you want that text to show up.



It’s important to learn this right and build your blog the correct way from the start.  I’ve tried blogging years before on my own and it was a disaster, abandoned my blog like most do.

But, I kept hearing about people making a lot of money in affiliate marketing so when I wanted to try again, I made sure I had the right training to learn the proper way on how to do this right.

Thank goodness I had found Wealthy Affiliate back in 2016, just after I started this blog you’re on, and my monthly 4 digit online income is all because of me learning from their training.

What you learn is very powerful that will take you places because you’ll be armed with skills that will help you make money with any affiliate program you choose, any niche you choose.

Sign Up with Wealthy Affiliate here now!


Consistency In Your Work

This blogging business is not going to be easy and consistency in your work effort is very important in your first 12 months when you’re not earning a lot of money.

You will probably start earning something small from 3 – 6 months, a little more by 6 – 8 months, and then by 12 months to 1.5 years, you could be earning a 4 digit online income!

That is what happened to me, I took 1.5 years to start making that much money which I achieved just in March 2018 and has continued increase since then.

This business grows very gradually and so you must understand that it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme.

The work you do today don’t pay off til down the road as it takes time for search engines to learn your site and they only start this when your site is a little older, making sure you’ll be around for awhile before they give you any good rankings.



Many people will quit this before they even really get started, and that’s the sad truth because they have no patience and they jump off to the next shiny object.

Here are my 2 year results to give you an idea how slowly and gradually income can grow:


Income vs New Posts Graph


The red line represents my work effort and the blue line is the income from my blog.

It takes time to get your website ranked by search engines so income will be slow during this time frame and most cannot stand doing all this work and not earning.

But building a business must have a different mindset, you’re not an employee.  Your work don’t equal pay right now.

You’re building all the necessary things for search engines to rank you, you’re preparing your blog for that snowball effect traffic that will come when you catch onto that SEO train and get good rankings on search engines like Google!

You are going to reap what you sow is the message I want to leave you with.  The harder you work and provide genuine value to your audience, the more likely you will make it in this affiliate marketing business!

Get the help you need and learn how to build a successful Amazon affiliate business with the exceptional, comprehensive training at Wealthy Affiliate, so sign up now!


10. Could I Get Free Affiliate Marketing Coaching?

To conclude my post here, I’d like to offer you a free gift that I’m offering my visitors.

For a limited time, if you sign up via my website here to Wealthy Affiliate (by clicking links like this one), I’m offering everyone that upgrades to Premium will get my free coaching service.

As long as you have signed up during the time this is available, I will be your coach throughout your journey while you remain a Wealthy Affiliate Premium member.

That’s it, no other strings attached!

I wish you all the luck in the world to make this Amazon affiliate a great success and I hope I can help you in your journey!

Wealthy Affiliate_create-your-free-account-here


If you want to own your very own money making asset, then start building your future today!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding the FAQs on how to make money as an Amazon Affiliate or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now




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