How To Start An Affiliate Marketing Business From Home

This post may contain affiliate links for more info visit my disclosure page.

How To Start An Affiliate Marketing Business From HomeBecause this industry continues to expand, so many beginners now are confused on how to start an affiliate marketing business from home the right way.

One thing remains constant: there is no secret formula for success. But, I will share with you how you can be where I am today if you follow the right path.

I used to work in a corporate job. I did love my work as an accountant, but I had to make an important choice of quitting after I gave birth to our first child. I decided to stay at home and be a full-time mom.

Fast forward, I have two kids now, a thriving affiliate business, and looking back, shifting to a home-based career was one of the best decisions I have ever made.

In my journey, I learned that affiliate marketing is undoubtedly the best online business to start if you aim to work in the comforts of your home.

You’re probably here because you came to know about how anyone can build a website and make money from it. While it’s true that anyone can be an affiliate marketer, it’s not for everyone.

Affiliate marketing doesn’t mean overnight success. It means you have to work hard for it and devote a lot of your time, patience, and efforts.

The good news is, if you’re 100% sure that you’re committed, I will show you the techniques on how to start an affiliate marketing business from home that I have followed myself.

So, let me take you through the following sections:

  1. Get Training
  2. Set Up Your Office 
  3. Find Your Place in the Online World
  4. Discover Your Speciality
  5. Build Relationships
  6. Ready Your Payment Options
  7. Valuable Content Is Always King
  8. Get Connected
  9. How You Will Succeed



If You Haven’t Made Any Money With Affiliate Marketing,
See My Secret Weapon To My Success:

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1. Get Training

Before you enter the world of affiliate marketing, you must equip yourself first with learnings and training as much as possible.

When I was just starting, I thought I could do it without any help. I was like, ”It’s building a website and promoting other people’s products, how hard can it be?” Oh, how wrong I was.

The good thing I got from that experience is I learned what I should and shouldn’t do.

We know that mistakes cannot be avoided. But, if you learn from the proper training, you’re going to keep those mistakes minimal.

The exact training that got me to a 4 digit online income is right here in my free money making guide!

Read how this training platform helped and taught me how to create my online business:

2018 In Review - How I Made $40K with Affiliate Marketing



2. Set Up Your Office

One of the highlights of affiliate marketing is you can be anywhere you feel like going and still be able to work.

But, I suggest you set up an “office” in your home where you can be comfortable and cannot be disturbed.

This way, you can focus and work properly. Some lose interest in working and are tired all the time because they can no longer distinguish work from home.

Being at home means you get to relax, rest, and forget about work.

You should keep it that way and to make that happen, you must assign a particular area in your house as your office.



3. Find Your Place in the Online World

You must create a blog or website to display your affiliate links. Some are intimidated by the thought of creating their own.

The truth is, setting up a website is not hard. The challenge is maintaining it and building it so that it attracts its own visitors without you spending a dime on paid advertising.

That’s what you want to really learn, how to build it properly so that your online business gets thousands of visitors without having the need to pay for any of it.

My blog here at had almost 370K visitors in 2018 and I didn’t pay for any of it!

How To Earn Money Online - Community Support

I haven’t given paid traffic any serious try yet in my 2 years+ journey here but I plan to for 2019 to scale myself to 6 figures.

The easiest way to start is joining a community, like the one inside the training platform that I suggested above, check my money making guide here for all details.

The community in there is what had helped me the most in my journey to get to where I am today.  No doubt I needed a LOT of help in my first year and a half and the community was there to help me all the way.

Now, it’s me that is returning that favor and I offer FREE Personal Coaching Services on that training platform as a bonus for signing up with me.

You can sign up for free and you can already create your website with minimal efforts with their SiteBuilder.



4. Discover Your Specialty

Find your niche and come up with a logical strategy that will make you an authority in that field. Identify the problems you want to address within your niche and choose reliable products and services to achieve that.

You want to focus on a group of people that you can help solve their problems with the content that you can offer them on your online business.

Picking a niche is an important step and should be done with great analysis in the beginning of your journey.  You would want to search the niche based on:

  • Something you really like, a passion or hobby
  • You don’t need to start as an expert but willing to research this topic deeply
  • Make sure there’s enough searches per month (keyword research is needed)
  • Make sure there are affiliate products priced $50 and up to make your journey worth it.
  • If you can find membership type affiliate programs, even better as you’ll earn more passive income without additional work.
  • Be willing to dive deep into your niche so you can become an expert as your business grows with you.


If you’d like more help on niche picking, check out this post here.


If you’d like to see the two best membership affiliate programs that I use myself, check out this post here!



5. Build Relationships

Reach out to businesses and ask to join their affiliate marketing programs. You can also join affiliate networks where you can find a wide range of merchants.

Concentrate on your niche and don’t get sidetracked with products just because they are on trend or offer better commissions.


Helping Hand


I highly recommend that you focus on products and services that you have personally used or experienced.

If you use products that are not used by you, you just need to make sure you writing your review based on well thorough research on what you’ll be reviewing.

Writing these types of reviews will save your readers’ time if you did the research for them and provide the info they need to know.

You should show support for any reports or facts you claim so your readers can trust that your source is real and factual.

Offering valuable content to your readers will build trust and when you build trust, they will buy from you!



6. Ready Your Payment Options

You should have your payment options ready for each affiliate program. Some companies prefer to pay affiliates with checks or bank transfers, while others require an online payment account, like PayPal.

You will have to check each individual affiliate program to see how you’ll get paid out.



7. Valuable Content Is Always King

Your website or blog should be more than promoting and selling a brand. You should also focus on making it useful to your followers.

If you go through my site, you will notice how I always put emphasis on the importance of valuable content. This is because if you do not feed your site with unique and useful content, you will lose the interest and confidence of your readers.


Mac Computer Vertical


When that happens, it will be hard for you to convince them to click your affiliate links. Also, they, as well as Google, may consider your site as spam. This will negatively affect your search rankings.

Another thing is, do not write false reviews on products and services whether they have been used by you or not. You must be truthful and sincere at all times to avoid damaging your reputation.

Whether your review is based on your own experience or a very well researched article, you must provide with supporting details to validate your points to your readers.

Remember, it’s so hard to build a positive online presence and yet, so easy to destroy.



8. Get Connected

Establishing your online presence takes hard work. The advantage you have here is almost everyone is on social networks.

It will be easier to reach out to people if you create your social media accounts, like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter among others.

You can promote your website and its content in these channels where you’ll most likely get a lot of backlinks.

Backlinks guide your followers from other blogs or websites to yours, and you can have them by putting your affiliate link in your social media profiles, guest posting, and promoting your website in online communities, like Reddit.



9. How You Will Succeed

What I’ve mentioned above are tips on how you’re going to start your affiliate marketing online business from home.  Once you have started, it will be up to you how you’re going to manage it. How you’re going to succeed will depend heavily on your attitude towards it.

This means that you’re going to succeed because you’re building your own business, and not just creating a website to place some display ads.

You’re going to succeed because you understand that success doesn’t happen overnight and that you need to work hard for it.

Most importantly, you’re going to succeed because you know that you need to help others first before expecting to earn anything.

Like what I’ve shared above, I struggled when I was starting my online career.

The tips on how to start an affiliate marketing business from home I mentioned above will help you make fewer mistakes because the affiliate marketing industry is getting bigger and more competitive.


If You Still Have No Clue How To Start, Do This:

Thumbs UpGo through my free money making guide here and learn about the training platform that I used that takes you STEP BY STEP on how to get your affiliate marketing business started.

They are the leading affiliate marketing training platform in the industry and they are the exact training platform that I personally have used to learn to build my 4 digit online business.

My highest month so far is $7.9K in Nov/18, see income proof in my money making guide!


If you have more questions about affiliate marketing, like where you should start and what you should do, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now


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