Is Your Freedom Mentor A Scam Or Make $1K+ Days In Your Spare Time?

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is Your Freedom Mentor a scamCould you easily make $1K+ days in your spare time or is Your Freedom Mentor a scam that’s just pulling a fast one on you?

I know it must sound super exciting to be able to make so much money in such a short time that Your Freedom Mentor system can do, but is it for real?

My review will not only show you that this is a reused sales video but you’re not going to be making much money from Your Freedom Mentor.

I’m glad you’re here and I will go over the following sections with you about Your Freedom Mentor:



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Your Freedom Mentor Logo


Program Name: Your Freedom Mentor


Price: $37

Recommended? No

The Your Freedom Mentor sales video shows you that you can make a lot of money with their system and you don’t seem to need to do much work with it.


Your Freedom Mentor Sales video


They are showing that it’s possible to make as much as $1K+/day in your few days of getting their system.

You are led to believe that they have created your account for you even though that is not a live video and that magical account is already making money for you without you touching anything.

In a matter of 24 hours and a few clicks of “15-20 minutes of work”, all this money will just fall into your lap.

If only making money online was that easy, and I hope you have heard the sarcastic tone in my writing here.

Your Freedom Mentor is definitely trying to pull a fast one on you and there’s definitely no way you can make money that fast on the internet, I don’t care what system it is.

Not only there is no system that can make such claims, the sales video that Your Freedom Mentor has used is totally old and have been seen in other two other scams before:

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is – this saying is very true for Your Freedom Mentor.

In the next section, I will show you all the proof you want to let you see that Your Freedom Mentor can’t be trusted and your money will just be wasted if you give it to whoever is behind it.




Your Freedom Mentor sales video is highly misleading as well as deceiving because a lot of their information is fake and not even close to reality of how money is made online.

They are banking on you not knowing much about how money is made online so these unethical internet marketers will say just about anything to make you part with your money.

Here I will show you the elements they have used in Your Freedom Mentor to mislead you in a big way:

#1) Fake Owner

The sales video said she was Meaghan Harper and showed herself in a kayak and she did it again in the 2nd video as well.

But guess what, this is not the owner, they have used a stock photo to portray this persona as seen here:

Your Freedom Mentor Fake Owner


#2) Shining Object Syndrome

Your Freedom Mentor is banking on the shining object syndrome (SOS) that you may have and telling you things that make you want to buy their system.

So making crazy income claims like making over $1,000 in your first 24 hours with only 15 – 20 minutes of work may sound awesome to those who have SOS.

But guess what? It doesn’t work like that with ANY system.

Nobody can make that kind of money in such short amount of time, not in your first 24 hours, your first week or even your first months, or even your first year.

People take years of hard work to build an online business that can bank $30K+/month and no system, Your Freedom Mentor or others, can take you there any faster than that.

Making money online is a process which requires much learning, hard work, consistent hard work, and lots of time to scale your business to such levels.


#3) Rehashed From Old Scams!

Like I mentioned earlier this Your Freedom Mentor is using the exact same sales video as other scams I’ve reviewed here.

Here I will show you that this is true in the below screenshots taken of each system that’s supposedly making the same amount of money in each system!

How is this even possible?  It’s not and it’s because they are just using same sales video from an old scam system and these are probably the same unethical marketers behind all these systems.

Here is Your Freedom Mentor and Millionaire Biz Pro:

Your Freedom Mentor Using Sales Video From Another Scam


Here it is again with Seven Figure Profit Code:

Your Freedom Mentor Using Sales Video From Another Scam 2


#4) Fake Testimonies

Of course, since those sales videos are used under different systems, then right there it’s proof that their testimonies are not real.

But to go further, I know those video testimonies are not real because not only these same actors are used in different systems other than the ones mentioned in this review, but these are actors I’ve found on a freelancing site called

You can hire actors there for as low as $5 to make you a testimony of any kind.

So the two ladies above, you can see their Fiverr profiles here:

Seven Figure Profit Code Fake Testimonies 4 Fiverr

Seven Figure Profit Code Fake Testimonies 3 Fiverr

Nothing could be trusted on this Your Freedom Mentor site.


#5) Traffic CanNOT Be Manipulated

These guys are trying to tell you that your site that they magically created on a recorded old video that their system can manipulate traffic from all those big names like Facebook, Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

That is totally false and absolutely ludicrous.

You cannot “make” anyone on your website or take someone else’s traffic and steer to your website, it does NOT work this way.

Again, they are banking on you knowing nothing about how things work online so they will tell you things that may sound familiar to you but this absolutely cannot be done the way they say.

Getting traffic is the life line to any online business and whoever can get it will rightfully enjoy all the money that traffic will do to their business.

Getting traffic online is definitely earned in Google’s eyes and no search engine will just give it away to just any copied or static site.

There is a proper technique to be used to earn this traffic and you’re definitely not going to learn it from Your Freedom Mentor.




Thumbs DownFrom all the above I mentioned, yes Your Freedom Mentor is a total scam and you really don’t know what this system really is.

It’s definitely not to be trusted since they are just recycling an old sales video from another system so you don’t know what you’re going to be buying like this.

Who knows what else is up their sleeve, I’ve seen other systems just funnel you to a high ticket program where you’ll need to invest thousands of dollars or just some rehashed old training that probably won’t work for you these days.

I sure am not going to buy into this one since there’s probably no way to get my money back so I’m not going to even waste my time trying.

This is also sold on and they are known to do payment process for a lot of scams so that’s a huge red flag right there.

I have to conclude that I do not recommend Your Freedom Mentor.




I started this site because I was tired of scams myself and want to help others find a place where they can safely learn how to make money online as I have found the perfect, legitimate platform to learn from back in Sep/16.

I’m a stay at home mom who’s been wanting to find something to earn from home so I can stay and continue to be flexible for our kids.

Then I found a training platform that I’ve been looking for so long to learn from and it was perfect because it has step-by-step, detailed instructions on how to build our very own online business.

You can find out what this online business is about and how it all works in my free guide here:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Guide Here Button


My guide will show you how you can learn the same way I did to build your own online business so that you can really learn the process on how money is made online.

You will learn detailed techniques on how to gain traffic to your online business all on its own without spending a dime on advertising.

This website you’re on is the result of this awesome training and I’m earning a 4 digit online income with it these days on a consistent monthly basis!

It didn’t happen overnight or even in a year, but I stuck with it and put in so much hard work and this is the result, a passive income stream that my family can now count on!

I owe it all to this training platform that offers FREE memberships so you can check it out before you even take out your wallet.

That’s how much confidence this training platform has.  Once you see how legit it is, you will be so glad you checked it out.

Stop wasting time on scams and start building your future today!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether Your Freedom Mentor is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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