Affiliate Marketing Secrets You Need To Know For SUCCESS!

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Affiliate Marketing Secrets You Need To Know For SUCCESS!Glad you’re checking out the affiliate marketing secrets that I have gathered in my 2.5 years of working with this business model.

Affiliate marketing is a very lucrative business model and thousands of online marketers are ranking up insane profits from it.

And there’s a good chance that you wonder sometimes how they do it.

Yes, it sucks to see success stories all around you from your fellow affiliate marketers while your business suffers.

Anyhow, you might eventually start to think that the successful ones are using some sort of affiliate marketing secrets to make money and you’re being kept in the dark.

Well, this is a half truth because there are really no secrets to making a successful affiliate marketing business.

However, there are factors that you need to consider to become successful.

What exactly do I mean? Glad you asked. I’m excited to share four of the most important factors that you need to consider in your affiliate marketing business to make it profitable.

These are 4 simple nuggets that I myself have used and has enabled me to reach to a point in my business where I’m making 4 figures monthly from home:

  1. Mindset
  2. The Tool That Makes A Difference
  3. YOU Are A Big Factor
  4. My Secret Weapon For Success



If You Haven’t Made Any Money With Affiliate Marketing,
See The Secret Weapon To My Success:

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1. Mindset – Treating it like a Business

If you want new or more clients and more money, you have to get serious and start treating your online business like a business.

What does that mean in English?

It means graduating from being merely a freelancer to becoming an actual business owner, CEO or a badass boss.

Your business shouldn’t be a hobby or some sort of play store that you visit once in awhile but should carry the very essence of your core intentions.

Whether you have a blog, a YouTube channel, and e-commerce store, your business has to be treated the way one treats an offline or physical business.


lady on laptop at coffee shop


So how do you treat your business like a business?

Here are 3 ways:

i) Walk the walk, talk the talk

The way that you talk about your business says a lot about how important you treat it.

This also creates a direct effect on how others perceive your business too.

If you sell yourself short and not talk positively about your business like it’s your full time project, then don’t be surprised when people assume either you’re a joker, you have loads of free time, or you’re just waiting to land a new job.

Here’s what you do. Just like a merchant treats daily transactions of his or her offline business, you to ought to do the same with your online business.

You track your finances, cater genuinely for customer care e.g responding and interacting with your prospects, your customers, run your marketing campaigns, take everything you do for your inventory, write it all down and remember it.

And next time someone (even if it’s your sweet old grandma or a nosy neighbor) asks what you do, tell them exactly what you are, an owner of an online business that you created.

When you do this with passion and stick to your principles, you’ll find out that even the unsuspecting people will start to treat you and your online business with far more respect.


ii) Organization planning

Every successful business has a laid out plan running from A through Z.

Your affiliate marketing business is no different. You need to visualize where you want your business to go in the future.

Planning is essential in business. It gives your eyes to see the direction you’re going.

So you need to come up with calculative steps to take to hit your desired target.

Plans can change so you gotta be able to adapt with the times, however the end result is often one in the same.

For example, you need to find a niche for your affiliate marketing business. Some niches trend for a specific time and then fade away. Others are there to stay, there are competitive niches and also low hanging fruits.

However no matter what niche you choose, it always has potential.

Your focus should be to plan to setup and organize the content for your business.

This takes pressure off of you since your organizational planning gives your customers the satisfaction as they’re getting the most efficient and quality experience from the products and services you offer.


iii) Branding

One of the major goals for your affiliate marketing business is building, expanding and strengthening your brand.

In today’s marketplace, branding makes or breaks a business. With thousands of affiliates starting their own online businesses, it is now becoming more important to set yourself apart from the pack.

This is not an alien idea at all. Below is a list of steps you can implement in order to strengthen the brand of your business;

Create a brand around your blog URL. It should be something like

Be open and transparent with your audience. Have an affiliate disclaimer page on your blog and reveal your earnings. Talk to your audience like you talk to your friends.

Only promote high quality products and services. The secret here is to brand yourself as as problem solver. Your customers will love you and even spread word about your generosity to others which will strengthen your brand.

Have a defined logo designed by a professional. You’re going to use this logo for your business cards and website.

Your logo will speak subconsciously to your customers and potential business partners and pull them towards you.



2. The Tool That Makes A Difference – Use a Website

Affiliate marketing plus a website go hand in hand because those two rank up profits like clockwork.

With the right strategies, you can create and optimize your website so that it attracts the right traffic, (mostly even freely) and in turn bring in more affiliate commissions to your table.

But, before you can start delighting in the glory of affiliate commissions, you’ll need to have an audience or following so that you can promote products and services to them depending on your niche.

By far the easiest way to build an audience, look professional and make money from promoting affiliate products / services is by creating your own affiliate website.

Affiliate marketing is when you choose a product you like, promote it online, and earn commissions when someone purchases it through your referral links.


Man on laptop with blue tool icons in background


Affiliate marketing is one of the most reliable ways to make money online for marketers.

Affiliate marketing with a website helps to:

  • Increase customer satisfaction
  • Makes it easy for your customers to access you
  • Builds trust and loyalty thus strengthening your brand
  • Creates multiple streams of income. There are a lot of ways to make money with a website.
  • Saves money because a website doesn’t cost much to start as compared to other tools.

For building a reputable and professional website, I recommend WordPress.

It’s easy to use and navigate, perfect for blogging and of course affiliate marketing, it’s highly responsive and largely used by most pro marketers.

If you need help getting an affiliate website started, check out this post here.



3. YOU Are A Big Factor – Hard Work & Consistency

I’ll throw in a little dedication in here too.

In order for you to succeed with affiliate marketing, you require hope, faith, passion and taking action daily.

In short, you need hard work and consistency with a staunch dedication to wrap it all up.

No one sleeps and wakes up successful because it takes time and it’s a process.

We’ve all been hyped up, pumped or pitched into buying products and services that promised to make us millionaires without doing any real work.

If you’re reading this article, it means you’ve visited a few more money making sites online.

Now most of these sites use cookies and can track your every online navigation for a specific time (usually 60 days).

Now for this reason if you spend half an hour on YouTube, you’ll be bombarded with many ads targeting you and promising to help you make money in record time online.

You’ll also discover thousands of videos on the YouTube platform talking about the same things.

However, what you have to understand is that nothing is free in this world.

You just can’t sit in front of a television as your stomach turns and think you’ll make money online without putting in the work.

Yes they promised that all you need to do is post an ad, push a button or exploit a loophole and then watch your account balance reap profits the next day.

I also know you’re being spammed with emails on the daily and your notifications are flooded with people posting money making opportunities inside Facebook groups you belong to.

When I first started out with affiliate marketing, I wasn’t making any money in the first months, just take a look at the graph below:


Sep 2016 - Dec 2018 Wealthy Affiliate results by month


The graph above shows the income for the first 2 years of this website you’re on,, my blog here.

As you can see, in the beginning, there’s a lot of learning and building.  As well, your website needs time to rank on search engines.

But with hard work, consistency and dedication, I continued creating content for my business.  So, you can’t let the first year of earning hardly anything discourage you cuz look at my second year!!

I had to combine this hard work alongside the skills from the training I had gotten as far as affiliate marketing was concerned.

I also throw in some passion, and now I can gladly say I’m a passive income maker.

Yes it takes plenty of effort to get the job done right but the end result, is a simple delight.




4. My Secret Weapon For Success – Getting Training

Thumbs UpLike I always say in my articles. No one is born with affiliate marketing skills.

We all get to learn and do things. Some complex, some simple.

Most affiliate marketers especially beginners fail to succeed because of lack of training.

Most beginners think they can hop on YouTube and learn from a few videos, then go off to start.

But then, all they do is take those affiliate links and spam them all over the internet which most platforms don’t allow you to do most of the time.

Just pasting your affiliate links all over the place is not the best practice and you’re not going to get much sales doing it like that.

The essence of affiliate marketing is helping out other people.

So, that means you need to start creating content that helps people and that is why a website is crucial in this process.

Therefore, getting training to learn how to build this kind of affiliate website will determine the level of success you’ll receive as you will need to build it right from the start or else you will waste a lot of time.

It already takes time for websites to get ranking on search engines so if you build your site wrong, then find out months later you did it wrong and that’s why you haven’t gotten much results, would be a huge waste of time.

If you’re serious about starting and running a profitable affiliate marketing business, I’ve created a simple free guide here that shines more light on the exact affiliate marketing training platform I use.

I also reveal in this guide, the training that I took 2.5 years ago that has transformed me, a stay-at-home mom into a Super Affiliate!

My free guide shows you how this step-by-step training has helped me earn and you’ll see the proof that it has worked for me:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Guide Here Button


So there you have it, guys, my affiliate marketing ‘secrets’. They might not be top class secrets you thought they would be but these are the key factors that helped me reach my level of success.

You can learn more by checking out my FREE Guide to affiliate marketing riches.


For questions or concerns on anything discussed above, feel free to leave me a comment below. I always answer my readers 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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