Can a Stay at Home Mom Make Money Online? Do What I Do!

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Can a Stay at Home Mom Make Money Online?Can a stay at home mom make money online? I am a stay at home mom taking care of our two children.

I used to work a day job in an office, but made the decision to quit so I can focus on raising our kids.

I slowly realized that I still want to earn money mostly to help with our bills and spend some for myself.

I was able to do that by earning money online through affiliate marketing. So, yes, you can definitely make money online as a stay at home mom.

How did I do it? There are many ways you can earn online, but I decided to go with starting my own online business through affiliate marketing. It’s a simple business model any one can learn and start earning from.

That’s what I did in Sep/2016, now a few years later, here I am now, making a stable 4 digit online income right from our home so I want to teach you all about this here so you can start doing it yourself too!



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What Is Affiliate Marketing?

To put it simply, becoming an affiliate marketer means you’re going to promote the products and services of companies for a commission.

You’re going to sign up for an affiliate program and you’ll be given a special affiliate link after. You’re going to use this link when promoting the products.

When people make a purchase through your link, you will earn a commission.


Why Affiliate Marketing?

Among the things I love about affiliate marketing is you don’t need much to start. You don’t have to come up with product ideas, because you will be promoting other people’s products.

Also, you don’t have to pay for anything because most affiliate programs are free.

It’s the perfect setup for both parties because companies only need to pay you when you make a sale, and you don’t need to spend your funds for starting your own online business.


keyboard, iphone, and affiliate marketing words


How Can You Start?

The first thing you have to do is choose a specific niche. Everything would be easier if you stick to a topic that you know have good experience with.

You don’t have to be too specific. Be creative when it comes to your niche. The idea is you’re able to target a specific audience.

Once you have determined your niche, the next thing to do is create your blog website using WordPress. Many bloggers prefer this format because it is SEO-friendly and it’s really easy to use.

When you have your blog already, it’s time to create content for your visitors.

Let’s say you want to target new mothers who breastfeed. You can get creative when writing useful content. Do not limit your topics to all about what moms should do when breastfeeding.

You can talk about which breast pumps they should use, outfits they can wear that will make breastfeeding in public easier, comfortable shoes when going out while bringing their babies, etc.

This way, you can promote different products and sign up for different affiliate programs.

Keep making useful content on a regular basis until you prove to your readers you are an expert in your niche and that you genuinely want to help them.

Once you have established a bond with them and they trust you, you can now promote your affiliate products.



How to Promote Your Affiliate Products

Can a stay at home mom make money online? Yes, definitely! However, when it comes to affiliate marketing, you must both work hard and smart to survive in this industry.

Here are some effective tips on how you can market your affiliate products:


#1) Write Product Reviews

One of the most effective ways to promote your affiliate product is to write a review article about it. The proper way to make one is to summarize all the important details your prospects should know about the product.

This means that you must include both the benefits and the drawbacks if there are any. Make sure that your product review will help your prospects determine if the product is really for them or not.

Tips when writing reviews:

Use a personal tone since people prefer personal recommendations. All of your reviews must be honest.

People will eventually find out if you make false claims, which will cost you your credibility and reputation.

Write product comparison posts. Many people search for product comparisons before making the final decision when purchasing something.

When you write a product comparison article, make sure to focus on the main features of the products. Also, mention both the similarities and differences of the products.

Pro tip: Write the features in a bullet list and keep it short and concise as possible. A lot of people don’t like reading long posts when all they really need is some help in choosing the right product.


#2) Use Banner Ads

When you are already generating traffic to your blog website, banner ads are really effective. With that said, please always keep this mind: Don’t place banner ads of similar products. This will only confuse your prospects, which might lead them not to purchase anything.

Meanwhile, it’s good to place banner ads relevant or connected to your niche. For instance, for new breastfeeding moms, you can put banner ads for breast pumps, ointment for nipple relief, back support, etc.


#3) Utilize Social Media Networks

When you have made new content for your blog, you can increase its visibility by sharing it on your social media accounts.

You should also be active in social media because it is where most people are when they are online and engaged.

Tips when utilizing social media channels:

While social media networks generate a huge amount of traffic, it’s still not ideal that you exhaust all of your efforts in being active in all social platforms that you can think of. Think about your target audience and where they usually hang out.

So, our topic example is new mothers who breastfeed. Where do they usually hang out? Facebook? Instagram? LinkedIn? Twitter? Choose accordingly so you can make most of your time.



Great Niche Ideas for Mom Bloggers

If you want some niche ideas for a mom blog, you can certainly check out these “mom” ideas:

  • Breastfeeding
  • Women health
  • Healthy food ideas for children
  • Healthy meal ideas for the family
  • Fashion for mothers
  • How to lose weight after pregnancy
  • Relationship advice
  • Ideal toys for kids to keep them busy
  • Easy recipes for fellow moms
  • Traveling with children

Of course, you don’t have to do a blog related to moms, you can do it on any topic.  The suggested list is just something you can start with since you may know some things about these topics.

If you have other interests, you can start with those instead but definitely pick something that you like because you’ll be working on this for a long time so you want to like what you do.



How To Get Started On The Right Track

Now that you have some great ideas for your blog, then you’ll need to know how to incorporate affiliate marketing with your blog and even how to start your blog.

If you’re totally brand new like I was, I suggest you do what I didn’t do at first and that is to get proper training. Because I didn’t do that years ago when I tried blogging the first time around, I wasted a lot of time.

When I tried affiliate marketing again, I made sure I had proper training and the results show!  Check out how much I made in 2018 and where I learned how to do everything to make money with affiliate marketing here.


Sep 2016 - Dec 2018 Wealthy Affiliate results by month


I also have a free guide here that shows you more as well.

If you want to start making a consistent 4 digit online income on a monthly basis (like my above graph), then start where I started and use the training I still use today!


If you have any questions whether a stay at home mom make money online, about affiliate marketing, or anything about making money online, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below! I always reply to my readers!



Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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