Survey Money Machines Review: Scam Or Easy Survey Money?

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Is Survey Money Machines a scamChecking out Survey Money Machines and wondering if it will scam you or could you really make money with Survey Money Machines?

My thorough review below will show you the truth about Survey Money Machines, how it works or if you even need them at all.

There are a lot of programs that promise you the world pitching these programs or systems to you so that is where I come in and give you a check of reality and I’m glad you did come here today.

My Survey Money Machines review will be detailed out in the following sections:



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Survey Money Machines Logo


Program Name: Survey Money Machines


Price: Free

Owner: Hailey Gates

Recommended? No

Survey Money Machines is just a site that will offer you a list of survey sites that you can join to make money from.

You are not given anything special here and chances of succeeding are no greater than you just searching for paid survey sites on Google.


Survey Money Machines home page


It is true that you can make money from filling out surveys online but the money you make is literally pocket change money and you have to use a lot of time to earn that.

The owner Hailey Gates explains how everything is free for you and this is common knowledge really as you never pay to join any survey sites.

You’re providing a service to the survey sites because they need your opinion so why would you need to pay?

She’s just making this point on her site to make sure you know she won’t be asking for any money from you, instead she’ll be making money for the survey sites you sign up to.

Her making money from referral marketing is totally a legitimate to use to make money online but the way she’s going about it a little misleading and I’ll expand on this in a bit.

This Survey Money Machines site reminds me of other ones I’ve reviewed before that are similar like this such as Panel Payday and Survey Voices.




Here I will show you all the red flags of Survey Money Machines that are used as marketing tactics to lure you into her scheme.

There’s really an honest way to make money online and then there are unethical marketers that kind of hype up things when it’s unnecessary just so you will do what they want you to do instead of presenting the information to you as they are factually and letting you decide what’s right for you.


#1 Red Flag – Can The Owner Be Trusted?

Hailey Gates seems to be the name of the creator of this Survey Money Machines website but from the picture she used on the Contact Us page, that’s not really her at all.

What I found was that her picture is actually just a stock photo that you can find on many other websites:

Survey Money Machines Fake Owner

When you can’t even trust a picture, how can you trust what she says?


#2 Red Flag – Hyped Up Earnings From Surveys

You could only earn really low rates for filling out surveys and sometimes when you do product reviews or testing, you don’t even get paid because you get the product for free.

So for Survey Money Machines to tell you that you can make up to $20 a survey is nonsense or that a focus group will pay you up to $100 per hour is really not true.

Survey Money Machines Hyped Up Earnings 2

At most the surveys she listed there in her sample is just your typical run of the mill survey sites and they are nothing special nor will you get any surveys that will make you $20.

Most of these surveys will make you pennies to $2 a survey, if you’re lucky and if you do paid offers, you may earn a bit more but you had to pay some money for that offer.

I’ve never heard of any focus groups being paid that $100 per hour, if they did, I would be signing up too!

This image here that I see in several places on her site is also misleading:

Survey Money Machines Hyped Up Earnings 2


Very rare do you even get to SEE a survey worth 2 digits never mind actually qualifying for one.  So this chart that she posts on her site on several pages is just very misleading.

It’s very hard to earn a decent amount of money from the time that you need to spend on these survey sites and half the time the survey sites aren’t even good.

I’ve reviewed plenty of them to know that MySurvey, MyPoints, and Opinion Outpost are all not good surveys to join and I certainly did not recommend them in my reviews of them.


#3 Red Flag – Other Lies

There are half truths sprinkled all over her site with one saying:

The secret to getting lots of high paying surveys is to sign up for as many survey companies as you can. Make a goal right now to sign up for at least the top 10 in this list. That should take you less than 30 minutes.

Actually, no there’s no secret to getting high paying surveys because they don’t exist.  You won’t really find many surveys over $5 never mind the $20 – $32 she claims.

Also, it till take way more than 30 minutes to sign up 10 survey sites because they all ask you to fill out your profile which is a questionnaire that takes time to fill out and some survey companies don’t pay you for that time either.

Another section on her site said that you can give her your email if you want the highest paid surveys to sent to you but guess what?

This is another lie, you’re just going to be bombarded with emails to get you to sign up to the survey sites through her links.

You may even get tons of spam if you join her email list too so I would sign up with a new email address for the purpose of signing up for surveys.




Thumbs DownI do not consider Survey Money Machines a scam but you are not going to make the kind of money she’s showing you and you certainly don’t need to use this website at all to find paid survey sites.

Although there are many survey sites out there, Survey Money Machines doesn’t do a good job of weeding the bad survey platforms and just more concerned about making money more for herself by the way she pushes you to sign up and not giving you realistic income potential.

The most legitimate survey sites that I’ve reviewed and researched thoroughly are Pinecone Research (this is an invitation only platform, and I’m giving you my invite link), next is Swagbucks (love the variety of ways you can earn here).

Regardless what you choose though, survey sites are not the best way to make money online because they are so time consuming without the potential of higher earnings in the long run.

Survey Money Machines is just a site that lists real survey sites for you to join and they will make money from your sign ups but so do I if you click on those I’ve listed above, the only difference is that I’m telling you the truth about survey sites and their real earning potential.

I only recommend things I’ve used or thoroughly researched myself but I highly doubt Survey Money Machines does the same from the list of sites they have given me.

I have to conclude that I do not recommend Survey Money Machines.




I would rather earn nothing today and even the beginning of my online journey to learn a new skill that would give me higher potential earnings in the future than to fill out surveys that never improves in earnings with time.

You’ll always be making pocket change with survey sites and it’s just a big time waster if you ask me because most survey sites take a lot to get paid from as well and some even disable your account for no apparent reason.

If you’re serious about making money online and want to do it so you can have the chance to make enough to affect your life like quitting your day job or contribute in a meaningful way to your family’s income, then it’s best if you learn how to build your own online business.

I did just that back in Sep/16 and today I get to enjoy earning a passive4 digit online income on a monthly basis.

It’s going to be way more involved than filling out surveys but you know what?  With the skills I’ve learned, I can make several of these online businesses and multiple my income which is my plan for the future.

You can find out what this online business is about and how it all works in my free guide here:

Get My Free Ultimate Make Money Online Guide Here Button


My guide will show you everything about how my online business works and you’ll be able to do the same thing and build your own.

My guide also show you the exact method I used so you can use the same one to learn how to build yours too and you can start for FREE as well!

You’ll be able to check things out without pulling out your credit card that includes 10 free lessons, business tools to use, as well as my personal help as well as a community of like minded people for support!

Your time is precious and doing surveys is not going to get you that far, but building your own online business will and the potential for higher income is very real.

Stop wasting time on surveys and start building your future today!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether Survey Money Machines is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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