Is Secured Web Orders A Scam Or A Secured Way To $379/Day?

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Is Secured Web Orders a scam?The work from home link posting opportunity at Secured Web Orders sure sounds easy to do but is Secured Web Orders really just a scam waiting to steal your $97?

Rhonda Paul claims this is easy way to financial freedom but my Secured Web Orders review below will show you different.

I know what this is and have reviewed so many of these exact offerings but under many different names so one must be careful when looking at opportunities online.

Glad you’re here now to learn what Secured Web Orders really is so you can save yourself some money!

My review will take you through the following sections:



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Secured Web Orders Logo


Program Name: Secured Web Orders


Price: $97

Owner: Rhonda Paul

Recommended? No

Secured Web Orders claims to have this opportunity to work from home posting links for companies who desperately needs your help to promote their products.

Rhonda Paul has the same sob story as many of these schemes I’ve seen that talks about her getting laid off and not knowing where her next dollar will be coming from for her and her kids.


Secured Web Orders Logo


Then magically she finds a system to post links that is making her $15 a pop and now she’s living the life of luxury, relaxation, and happy travels.

She claims she can make $379/day by just working 60 minutes a day for it and the more links you post the more you will earn.

She makes it sound super easy to be able to earn that much money in doing very little work and was able to quit her other job in 3 months.

However, this is really not the reality of making money online.

I know this because it’s taken me a lot of work effort to start earning a 4 digit income and I know how making money online works as well as why a lot of these programs that tell you that you can earn money fast is not true.

I also know why this Secured Web Orders is not to be trusted because this “system” have been sold under literally hundreds of different names and I will doubt they will stop any time soon.

You can see quite a few here that I’ve reviewed but there are way more:




Hides The Real Program

How Secured Web Orders really works is really to funnel you to some other program that you have no idea about.

Think about it, they change names all the time and that personality Rhonda Paul also changes as well, so how can you trust a site that has constant fake information on their sales page.

How do we even know what they’re talking about is true?

Some of these schemes actually lead you to high ticket programs like MOBE (the Home Based Wealthy System listed in the above section does and so does Automated Daily Income) where you’ll need to pay thousands of dollars for licensing rights to their products so you’ll be thousands in the hole before you even get started.

You don’t want to fall into such a trap because it’ll be very hard for you to recruit massive amounts of people to make your money back.

That’s all high ticket programs are, major recruiting and getting others to also buy into those expensive products so they can go out and do the same thing to others.

You don’t build anything of value, you don’t own anything, you just pay and pay and then hopefully you’ll others to also pay and pay.


Link Posting Doesn’t Work Like This

Looking at Secured Web Orders at face value on their sales page, I can tell you right now that is not how you make money with these links she talks about.

Link posting is actually just a simplified way of saying affiliate marketing but you don’t earn any money just by posting links.

The way affiliate marketing works, you will earn money only after someone clicks your affiliate link and goes to the site you had sent them to and they buy something.

Without that sale, posting links doesn’t make you any money.

You also won’t make much money building your business by just posting affiliate links all over social media, online forums and such.

You won’t be able to make much money like that even though you can make some money that way but you won’t be making 4 digit income like I do by just spamming the internet.

I know this because affiliate marketing is the business model I use as well to make my living online and it’s been so rewarding but you need to know how to build it properly.


Secured Web Orders Can’t Be Trusted

You will basically not only be spending $97 if you are really going to buy into Secured Web Orders, there will be at least upsells if you’re not being funneled into a high ticket program.

I’d like to point out some red flags of Secured Web Orders so you can spot this with other programs you come across:

  1. Fake News Video & Logos – you will see on top of their sales page, they have news logos on there to make you think they have been in the news but it’s just “work from home opportunities” are in the news.  That news video has also been used in all of these schemes and does not talk about the actual program but just “work from home” programs in general.  So they want to make you feel that their buzzing in the media when they are not.
  2. Limited Availability – They want to make it seem like there are only so many spots available but these are not jobs you’re applying for, you’re building a business with this so there’s no limit on spots ever.  They do this just to make you buy now and using the scarcity sales tactic on you.
  3. Hyped Up Income – To make $379/day or over $11K a month, you’ll have to work way more than 60 minutes like they suggest.  I mean, most people with a full time job working 8 hours a day don’t make that so how do you think you can make so much money with only an hour a day
  4. Step 2 Is Wrong – This just tells me that the people behind Secured Web Orders don’t know how affiliate marketing works.  In their Step 2, they list companies to post links for but guess what?  Netflix doesn’t have an affiliate program and Blockbuster has been busted up for years and not in business so how would this even work?!
  5. Secured Web Orders Can’t Provide You With The Links – You must apply to affiliate programs directly yourself in order to get your affiliate links, so if Secured Web Orders is providing them for you it must mean they are not your links and you won’t be earning the full commissions for all your efforts.

There are a lot more like fake testimonials, the ones used in Secured Web Orders are the same ones I’ve see in all these exact schemes.

There’s nothing to be trusted and you just don’t know what you’re really buying into.




Thumbs DownYes, most certainly this will not be what it seems, so Secured Web Orders is a scam.  I’ve seen too many times that these schemes lead to bad news so I’m not even going to try finding out.

There are all sorts of misleading information on their sales page and their info is not all that accurate either in the first place.

You definitely won’t be making $379/day buying into this Secured Web Orders program any time soon so beware of what you’ll be getting yourself into.

You’ll most likely will be fed to a high ticket program which will suck a lot money out of you.

With everything I’ve mentioned in my review, I have to conclude that I do not recommend Secured Web Orders.




If you want to learn what I do and learn the right way to build an affiliate marketing business, then you’re at the right place!

Like I mentioned above, I have a 4 digit income online business that I had started back in Sep/16 and I’m sharing with you how I did it.

You can use the same exact method I used so you can also learn affiliate marketing properly and finally make some money online.

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Stop wasting time on scams and start building your future today!



If you have any questions or thoughts regarding whether Secured Web Orders is a scam or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now



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