What’s Up With The Wealthy Affiliate Negative Reviews? Lies?

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What's Up With The Wealthy Affiliate Negative Reviews? Lies?Today I want to address this “problem” people seem to have with Wealthy Affiliate and how people think Wealthy Affiliate teaches members to just write negative reviews about other products to make a buck.

This probably makes Wealthy Affiliate look like a scam but this is because people are not understanding what strategy is taught.

Look, full disclosure: I’m an affiliate of Wealthy Affiliate, in fact, I’m a Super Affiliate who attended their annual Super Affiliate conference back in Jan/19 and met the owners plus other Super Affiliates.

So yes, of course I am biased, because I know their training freaking works and enjoy making a monthly 4 digit online income with it.

I’m also very knowledgeable about how things work at Wealthy Affiliate and can give you a clear picture why we do what we do.

My entire website here is a product of Wealthy Affiliate’s training and I have hundreds of negative reviews on here and product owners get mad at me… more on this later.

There are also pages and pages of articles about Wealthy Affiliate being a scam if you searched “wealthy affiliate scam” on Google, but when you read those, they are really just saying how great Wealthy Affiliate is.

In this post, I’m going to show you WHY we write the way we write and HOW this training works.

For most people who don’t understand the process taught at Wealthy Affiliate, they will think it is a scam because all we do is write negative reviews to promote our own offers.

But, I’m going to give you the KEY reason why we do this and it’s the most brilliant way to get MASSIVE FREE, highly targeted, organic search traffic to your online business without having to pay for any ads.

Check out these sections:



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The main objective to Wealthy Affiliate’s training is to create a website and use the affiliate marketing business model to monetize your website with.

Creating the website is the easy part since Wealthy Affiliate gives you a Site Builder that literally can create a new site for you in under a minute.

But, once a website is live on the internet, do you think there are tons of people going to visit it?

No, not at all, especially for a brand new site.

Actually, even older, aged sites won’t get much visitors on it unless you’re using the right strategies that’s taught inside Wealthy Affiliate.

A website doesn’t get visitors on it unless:

  1. You manually promote it using social media, online forums, paid methods, or offline methods;
  2. Your website is ranked on search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing and it attracts its own visitors.

You can do #1 all you want and can get some results, maybe even good results if you really push it, but doing free methods like that will take a lot more work because not only you’re building content for your online business but you also have to go out to get your visitors.

If you do paid methods in #1, yes, you can get pretty good traffic, but you also need a lot of budget for it and highly not recommended to those just starting out as you need to know how to optimize your ads as well as lots of testing which requires a lot of money.

Also, once you start paying, you’ll always be paying, you would want a mix of free traffic and paid traffic ultimately but in the beginning is wise to use free traffic.

The method Wealthy Affiliate’s training focuses on is #2.

If you’re ranked on Google like my website is, then you can get thousands of visitors to your online business without going all over the place to network to get it or use any money to pay for it.

Here’s my Jan/19 traffic from Google Analytics, my site gets 45K visits a month without me paying for any of that traffic:


Work Anywhere Now Jan19 Traffic


Just like you’re on my website right now, I didn’t pay anything for you to come onto my site to read this page so their training is still working as it should.

This is why Wealthy Affiliate’s training is so powerful, you get to learn how to create an online asset that attracts its own free visitors 24/7.

This is the essence of what you’re learning at Wealthy Affiliate.  Once you get consistent free traffic like this, you can be earning a full time income and make 4 digits monthly like I do.


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So, with that being said that we want to rank on search engines, we write negative reviews because that is exactly what’s going to make our sites rank.

Why using negative reviews make our sites rank?  Because that’s what people are searching for on the internet, so why wouldn’t we want to give them the info about what they are searching for?

Whenever you go on Google and do a search, don’t you want to see the info you are searching for?  You would want answers to what you’re searching for right?

So, that’s what we’re doing, offering answers to people who are searching for answers.

But, why negative reviews?

Again, it’s because that’s what people are searching for in the make money online space.

When a new product comes out in the make money online industry, that’s all people want to know about that product, is it a scam?  This is because this industry is FLOODED with REAL scams and I don’t blame them for searching about products before they buy.

People have been searching about products forever, in all niches, and we’re just giving them answers to what they are asking.

We also write about other things that people search for, not only products, but we do write about products because people are in the buying stage and that’s the best time to get those types of people on your site.


The Scams Of the Make Money Online Industry

Some of the products I’ve written about are NOT scams and I tell people that, but unfortunately, people don’t even read my full article to find that out.

They just assume I’m calling that product a scam because the word “scam” is in my title and they don’t even make it down to the section where I say it’s not a scam and they are already chewing me out in my comments about calling that product a scam when I didn’t.

But, I’ve also come across major real scams where they are taking hundreds and even thousands of dollars from people, should I not expose these scams?

My readers are so appreciative that I’ve provided them info on these scams and to avoid them.

Is this not helpful to people who genuinely want to know if that product or system is legit or not?  Am I in the wrong by telling people which ones are real scams and which ones are not?

I have helped thousands of people avoid REAL scams and I’ve even had product owners OFFERING ME MONEY to take down my review posts because I’ve exposed how their scam works:



In my product reviews, I always give my readers the truth about what I see in these products and, because I know how the internet and websites work, I usually don’t even need to buy these products to know they are misleading and blatantly lying to people and this is what I tell people.

So, I believe the members who are writing product reviews are doing a service for thousands of people and have helped them find a legit way to make money online.

Even the products that are not scams, we are writing about them as well to inform people how that product works, through our own thorough research.

Did you know people have been doing product reviews like this for years in every industry you can think of?  It’s actually not just Wealthy Affiliate members.

What’s the difference and why people get up and arms when Wealthy Affiliate members do it?

It’s because some say we didn’t try their products so we can’t write about them?


Do you think every car salesman have bought every car they’ve ever sold? No.

Has every Home Depot member bought every single stove they are trying to sell me? No.

Has every real estate agent bought every house they have ever sold?  Of course not.

But it’s okay for a real estate agent to “review” all the houses I want to check out and offer their professional opinion on all those houses that they have never bought themselves, and I can’t do the same thing with make money online products?

We are doing the same thing.

We are gathering all the information about the products we come across in our own industries and we are doing a service for people who are looking for info on those products to save them time from doing the research themselves.

We do the research for them and tell them what the product is about, how it works, and ultimately is it a good product for them to use in our opinion.

Bloggers have been doing this for ages in many, various industries.

Are every single negative review out there the best?  Of course not, we are all humans after all and we do occasionally miss things, and may need updating on some of our posts that’s outdated.

But, the posts we write have no ill intentions and quite the opposite as we are trying to educate people about the products that are out there in this space which are mostly NOT good products, unfortunately.



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No one is asking you to.

Promoting Wealthy Affiliate is a choice.

You have the freedom to choose what you want to promote with Wealthy Affiliate’s training, you can promote ANYTHING you want.

That’s what Wealthy Affiliate’s training is about, teaching you how to create an online business with a topic you really love and passionate about.

There are many members who love building Amazon sites or a health niche site or hair loss for woman site, etc, etc, etc.

That’s why there are two main courses:

  1. Online Entrepreneur Certification – this is for anyone who wants to promote ANY niche.
  2. Affiliate Bootcamp – for those who want to promote Wealthy Affiliate.

You get to choose which path you want to take, no one’s asking you to promote Wealthy Affiliate unless you love it like I do. Lol

Why I promote Wealthy Affiliate is because when I first stepped onto that platform it was exactly what I wanted: an organized path to building a successful affiliate marketing business.

I have grown to love it even more because I know the training indeed works as you’re on my site right now and it’s still working.

But, now as a Super Affiliate, and knowing what I GET for being a Super Affiliate, I’ll always promote Wealthy Affiliate for as long as I can because they really invest in their Super Affiliates.




Building a website and getting it ranked on search engines is a longer process than what most think, a process most don’t even understand or even know about when they first come onto the platform.

Many members will give up quite easily and quickly because they will not be making much money in the first few months so they will just think the training doesn’t work.

They don’t know that this is how affiliate marketing works if you use this SEO strategy that’s taught at Wealthy Affiliate.

But, I blame the make money online industry for this because those awful scam products make people think that making money online is magical and that loads of money will just come pouring down on you if you just “plugin” and do a few clicks.

But, making money online or building ANY type of business is totally the opposite of what these scams tell people.

You will never find any income claims on Wealthy Affiliate’s site because they cannot possibly know how you will build your online business.

No one can guarantee any success for you because no one knows how you’ll work, how much time you’ll dedicate to it, and if you’re a person that’s able to do this work at all.

That is why I have written this post about whether you can make money in your first month to pay for your second month at Wealthy Affiliate:


If I pay $19 Could I make money to pay for next month post on Wealthy Affiliate


I show that post to all the new members I bring into Wealthy Affiliate so they thoroughly know what they are getting into.

That post explains to them how getting ranked on search engines works, why it takes awhile, and why you will not likely earn enough in your first month to pay for the 2nd.

From the comments I have so far on this post, it seems like a relief to new members that this is not a get-rich-quick scheme.

The process of getting ranked on search engines takes time and again, you’re building a real business so that also takes time, as well as having a learning curve as you’re learning new online skills here to build your website with.

So a lot of people need to be educated about what’s really at Wealthy Affiliate and the power behind their training.



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You will have to answer that and it really depends on what you’re looking for.

Ultimately, if you want to earn a living online and earn a job replacing income, the path that is taught at Wealthy Affiliate will take you there.

However, the questions you really should be asking yourself are:

  • Am I willing to work for free?
  • Am I willing to pay to learn these new online skills?
  • Am I willing to dedicate 15-20 hours a week (or a lot more) to this, every single week, until I start making money?
  • Am I willing to give up some weekends?
  • Am I willing to give up some weeknights, tv, social gatherings?
  • Am I willing to figure out things when things aren’t right?

These are the real questions you should be thinking about before you sign up.

If you are saying YES to all those questions, you may be the right fit for this online business and getting the Premium will only make sense as this is how you’ll learn this strategy in full.

If you sign up and start your journey at Wealthy Affiliate, you may be able to build something that looks like this:


Sep 2016 - Dec 2018 Wealthy Affiliate results by month


Could you see why most would quit in that first year?  The above chart shows my results for my first 2 years and 4 months.

Hey at least I earned SOMETHING in those early months, some members earn NOTHING til month 6 or 7!

If you’re willing to sacrifice some social parts of your life and make room to build this online business, this is what you can be looking forward to after 12 – 18 months of hard work!

It took me 19 months actually to start making a 4 digit online income, I have seen some members with Amazon sites earning 4 digits at 12th month which I was SOOO JEALOUS of! Lol

I’m in a VERY COMPETITIVE niche so it took me doing MORE work and taking LONGER to get results, but I’m sure getting those results now!

To me, it doesn’t matter how long I took, doing all that hard work is worth it to me, what matters is that I made it and I’ve only really just started as there is much more to earn.

I have much more to grow in 2019 and I can’t wait to see what it looks like end of this year.

If you want to own your very own money making asset, then start building your future today!

Get Started For Free At Wealthy Affiliate Now!


If you have any questions or thoughts regarding why Wealthy Affiliate members write negative reviews or anything else, please do not hesitate to leave me a comment below. I always reply to my readers! 🙂


Let’s make money online!

Grace @ Work Anywhere Now




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